#behind the cut: thh
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In-Depth Analysis On All The DR Characters Because What, Are You Gonna Try And Stop Me? Who Are You, My Mom? Yeah, I Didn't Think So- Part 6: Hifumi Yamada
Finally, the 'analyses progressively getting longer' curse is broken! As excited as I am to do this next write-up, there's absolutely no chance Hifumi's analysis will hit anywhere near the length of Junko's. I estimate this'll fall closer into the length of Sayaka's if anything, but I'd love to be proven wrong and find more to his character than I anticipate.
I really do love making these. Each and every one so far has opened my eyes to new facets of these characters, and sharing my conclusions with you all and hearing your own thoughts brings me an indescribable amount of happiness. Truly, there is nothing like the hubris papers :D
As always, this analysis uses only official materials, primarily English localizations of the source material, and while I do my best to maintain objectivity, it is at its core an interpretation! If you aren't interested, keep scrolling, and if you don't like it, also keep scrolling
Part 1- Character Design

Hifumi sports a fairly typical looking and clean school uniform, neatly tucked in and collar folded. He wears with it an orange backpack that matches his tie in shade, and his tie and shoes have arrow imagery as well. His tie in particular has an double-headed arrow that points up and down over his torso. This is likely meant to reference his self-given nickname, The Beginning and the End, a biblical reference.
He keeps his hair slicked neatly into a small ahoge at the center of his head, wears round glasses, and has a cat lip and double chin. He's notably the only plus sized character in THH, and was given the title of SHSL Doujin Artist, or Ultimate Fanfic Creator. He's also noticeably very clean and neat, contrasting the otaku stereotype of being messy and disorganized.
Part 2- The Otaku Caricature: A Brief Summary
'Otakus' as they're commonly known are people that define themselves by their interest in stereotypically nerdy things to an almost obsessive degree. These people are often thought to be very good at subjects like math and science, and adore manga and/or anime. And when it comes to male otakus, they're often characterized as lonely perverts who can only find comfort and companionship in works of fiction because they're too pathetic and gross for any real person to like them, and/or because they're too obsessed with their beloved worlds of fiction to bother with making human connections. There's a lot more history behind how the otaku perception has shaped over time, but this is the basic gist of what you need to know if you're unfamiliar with otakus as a concept.
Hifumi in particular is meant to represent otaku culture as it appears in Japan, as many characters in THH are designed around subcultures themselves (Mondo with bosozoku, Chihiro with otokonoko, Junko with gyaru, etc.) and like these characters, he's designed to deconstruct what this culture represents and how people within this subculture are perceived. This is an idea that's present for most of the THH cast, but is especially noteworthy with Hifumi, because his story is one of the most immediately affected by his role within his subculture, to the point where his perception as a character is inextricably linked to public perception of this subculture.
Part 3- Character Introduction
Hifumi's first lines aren't directly known as his, but are swiftly revealed to be his once you connect the voice actor to the character. Notably, his first remark is to question the class size.
"So counting him, that makes fifteen. Seems like a good cut-off point, but I wonder if this is everyone..." -Hifumi Yamada, Prologue
When actually speaking directly to him, he introduces himself proudly, giving you his nickname- "The Alpha and the Omega", or The 'Beginning and the End' in its source language- and immediately bragging about his SHSL title and how many fancomics he's sold, even at his own school. Said works are self-described to be "about embracing our basest urges," something that immediately turns Makoto off the idea of even so much as looking at it.
Quite obviously, the implication here is smut, nudity, sex appeal, etc. "Basest urges" when referred to in the context of humans in fiction are commonly referring to sex, and coming from an otaku character, the stigma of horny, creepy anime lover is almost immediately set in place for our POV character by said comment, combined with the mention that his peers weren't all so excited to see his work in a school setting.
"Some of them didn't get it, of course, saying I'd 'tainted' the event. How stupid can you be!?" -Hifumi Yamada, Prologue
So our first given impression of him is that of a creepy otaku that draws and sells fanart of his waifus. Said impression relies on the player's prior exposure to otaku characters and their stereotypes, as well as a generalized amount of fatphobia(the fatphobia as a whole will be properly broken down at the end; stick with me until then bc it will be addressed properly) that lends itself into painting this early picture and setting up the building blocks for easy misperceptions of his future actions. Because while, yes, he does draw and sell fanart of his waifus, he's not the one-note pervert this initial impression would lead you to believe.
Part 4- Early-Game Events
Hifumi almost immediately takes a backseat in the first chapter, falling to the wayside in class discussions and only chiming in for the occasional joke. In fact, he speaks up twice in the class' breakdown of the first floor- once for a fat joke, and once for a vore joke. Neither of these are during the time where his 'investigation group' are reporting their findings.
"'But even with all that, there are 15 of us. How long can the food last?' 'Y-You can just eat sesame s-seeds or something...' 'Huh? What am I, a parakeet?'" -Hifumi Yamada & Toko Fukawa, ch 1
Later, if you choose to speak to him in the dorm hallway before going to the gym with Sayaka, he seems to be very interested in the relationship she and Makoto are developing. This noticeably makes Makoto uncomfortable, but the reason why he finds their relationship interesting is much less creepy than Makoto's unspoken assumption.
"'Mr. Naegi, Miss Maizono...! Wh-Where are the two of you off to!? A man and woman... growing closer...' 'H-Hey! What are you trying to say!?' .... 'There's really no other way to express it but to say... How very poetic!' '...'" -Hifumi Yamada & Makoto Naegi, ch 1
He sees their developing relationship as something poetic, something that has meaning to it. Speaking to him again clarifies that.
"And when he swears his love to her, there's a reason he swears that love! That's the feeling I'm getting!"
This is the first time we see Hifumi's intentions and beliefs to be more pure than his peers initially believe, and this misperception quickly becomes a theme. We see this again in the investigation, where Leon immediately assumes the worst of him for volunteering for trash duty.
"'Hey fatty! Why'd you want the cleaning gig, anyway!?' I-I just decided to volunteer for something I knew no one else would wanna do. What's the big deal!?' 'Liar! I know why you did it...'" -Leon Kuwata & Hifumi Yamada, ch 1
And, when he insists upon his innocence, it's not taken at all seriously. Instead, Byakuya suggests a new rule- for Sakura to go with any man that takes out the trash.
"'If you're as innocent as you claim, what's the harm in it?' 'Kh-! That's not how it's supposed to-!'" -Byakuya Togami & Hifumi Yamada, ch 1
This is, on a surface level, the boys calling Hifumi's bluff and proving that he 'really is' a pervert because he's upset about being accompanied. However, that's not the only reason why Hifumi could possibly be upset at this. Sakura is visibly the strongest, and therefore most threatening, member of their class. Hifumi's greatest strength is in his ability to hold a pen without cramping for a while. When trapped in a killing game, would you be hunky dory with your classmates deciding for you that you have to be alone with the most immediate threat in a killing game, all because they assume you're a pervert?
Essentially, Hifumi's role in the early chapters is wholly that of a comic relief character. He has geeky one-liners in response to serious moments, using nerd humor in an attempt to cope with the dire circumstances they've found themselves in. There are a few different examples of this.
But, simultaneously, he's one of the more empathetic characters in the early chapters. For example, in the opening of chapter 1, he's the only character to show actual concern for Mondo's safety when he threatens not to follow the regulations, in his own way.
He's also one of the ones to reassure Chihiro after the class trial when she blames herself for Leon's death, alongside Makoto and Hina.
It's also worth noting that he offers to help Hina get Toko back to her room after she faints upon seeing Chihiro's body, regardless of his own previously stated dislike of her. Regardless of his personal feelings, he offers a helping hand, even if it's ultimately ignored.
"You c-could've made some for the r-rest of us, you know...' 'I emphatically decline! You're not my type at all!'" -Toko Fukawa & Hifumi Yamada, ch 1 "'I don't mind taking her, but... could someone help me?' 'If you need help, I don't mind-' 'Taka, could you help me?'" -Aoi Asahina & Hifumi Yamada, ch 1
While on an overall, he doesn't do very much in the early game, we do get to see the two main points of his character start to come into focus: his nerdiness, and his empathy. We also get to see which half his peers pick up on, and which half they really, really don't.
Part 5- Relationships
Hifumi is a character whose story is defined by his relationships. Mainly which characters give him the time of day, which don't, and how that leads him to his eventual demise.
5.1- Leon Kuwata & Aoi Asahina
Due to both of them having a similar function for Hifumi, and having a small amount of crossover, I'm lumping Leon and Hina together. When it comes to Hifumi, both Leon and Hina are noticeably the two to visibly dislike Hifumi and assume the worst in him. This is a sort of demonstration of the group's general perception of him, as Leon is relatively active when it comes to the group conclusions in the first chapter, and Hina is consistently a voice of optimism in group discussion. For example, twice in the first chapter, Leon talks down to Hifumi, assuming the worst in him and calling him 'fatty' as an insult.
Hina, on the other hand, noticeably goes around Hifumi in conversation, brushing off his words more than once or straight up ignoring him, like when he tried to offer help to her dropping off Toko. Suffice to say, neither of them like him very much, though it's presented a bit differently. No one ever speaks in Hifumi's defense or agrees with him in group discussion, and seldom will you find Hifumi speaking one on one to anyone other than Celeste(when she's bossing him around, of course).
Leon dies relatively quick, so there's not any resolution on his end, but for Hina, she absolutely learns something from Hifumi's death, as Hifumi was someone she basically wrote off in life. So many people had already died, and when she was the one responsible for protecting Hifumi in the nurse's office, she failed him for her own sake. Her ignoring him is a point of guilt, and it leads her to be the only one to properly mourn him when everyone else is more focused on the mechanics of the murder itself. His death acts as a moment of growth for her, and hardens her to anyone who doesn't give the lonely a hand, the way she didn't to him.
5.2- Toko Fukawa
Hifumi doesn't like Toko. He sees her as a pretentious hypocrite, and says about as much when the two of them are in the library together.
"'They have all these books here, and not ONE copy of ANY of my works!' 'W-Well, yeah... Why would they have c-comics in a library? Plus, most 'fanfic' is j-just porn drawn by a bunch of a-amateurs...' 'You just don't get it. Not. At. All.'" -Hifumi Yamada & Toko Fukawa, ch 2
"'Comic b-books? Young adult? That stuff's a w-waste of time...' 'I've seen what you write, Miss Fukawa. Talented as you are, your stuff isn't any more 'worthwhile.'' 'My stories are filled with trues love and pure feelings! Don't compare them to that garbage of yours!'" -Toko Fukawa & Hifumi Yamada, ch 2
Toko is a novelist, while Hifumi specializes in fan comics. While they're both language artists, they write in very different ways, so it's expected that they wouldn't get along very well. That said, they do have a fair amount of chemistry, being equally petty and willing to criticize each others' works without hesitation. Interestingly, Toko seems to feed off of this banter, and is visibly disappointed when Hifumi later says he has no interest in her.
Despite having a verbal slapfight, their conversation in the library is unironically the closest either of these characters get to forming an actual friendship with anyone in the THH cast in-game.
5.3- Celestia Ludenberg (CW: SA Mention)
Celeste approaches Hifumi with one goal: to gain a servant. When trapped in a killing game and desperate to escape, one will use whatever resources available, and Hifumi immediately struck her as an easy target. This wasn't unfounded, as he almost immediately agreed to making her milk tea, allowing his own attraction to her to persuade him.
"'Hifumi, would you make me some tea?' '...Huh?' 'Milk tea, if you please.' 'Wh...why me?' 'Your roundish figure reminds me of the owner of the coffee shop I used to frequent.' 'That's your reason...?'" -Celestia Ludenberg, Hifumi Yamada, & Makoto Naegi, ch 2
Her approaching him is framed as both confusing and frivolous. Hifumi can't believe it, and neither can Makoto, our POV character. But regardless, Hifumi immediately falls in line, doing what Celeste asks to the best of his ability, specifically because he's attracted to her.
"Hmhm... It's all about the law of causality, basic instinct, act and react!" -Hifumi Yamada, ch 2
He does what Celeste asks because he's attracted to her, and thinks hse will, in turn, fuck him. She won't, but he doesn't need to know that. Other adaptations expand on his attraction to her, with the stageplay having him say that her Gothic lolita style akins her to horror characters in his mind, and that he wants to draw her.
Later, when Celeste plans her murder plot, Hifumi is the one she goes to, knowing he's more likely to bend to what she asks. But even though he's attracted to her, he's still at his core a decent guy. And she's not the girl at the forefront of his mind anymore, so she has to get more creative. So, in order to convince him that killing all their classmates is worth it, she comes up with a new web of lies, using both his connection with a certain AI and his own chivalry against him.
"'[Taka] came to my room last night unannounced, and then... It's hard for me to even say... He... abused me...' 'What!?' 'And he... he took pictures. He said if I did not do as he asked, he would show them to everyone... So I... I had no choice...' 'Th-that's a crime! An absolute crime!'" -Celestia Ludenberg & Hifumi Yamada, ch 3
Hifumi takes this seriously, believing what Celeste says for two reasons: because she has photographic evidence of Alter Ego in Taka's room, and because he has no reason not to trust her. She's one of the few members of the class who's spoken to him unprompted. On top of that, sexual assault is an incredibly serious accusation, and Hifumi treats it as such*.
"I'm about to say something I've never said before in my life... I'm going to kill him! I'm going to f...f...f-fucking kill him!" -Hifumi Yamada, ch 3
(*It's also worth noting that Hifumi believing Celeste doesn't make him 'stupid'. That's a sentiment I've seen very often thrown around when talking about this chapter, with the main point being 'how could he believe that the Ultimate Moral Compass would rape someone?' But not only is that sentiment at the mercy of a mistranslated SHSL title, it also implies that Celeste should've had more proof for her rape to be believable. You should always take victims seriously, and Hifumi knew that. The point of Celeste's lie isn't that Hifumi is dumb; the point is that Celeste is scum for lying about something so serious. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.)
Hifumi becomes a victim of Celeste's schemes because his empathy, which went unnoticed by everyone else, was weaponized against him. In this sense, both he and Taka fall to the lack of understanding their peers had for them, all to Celeste's whims, as Celeste was very involved with and friendly with the class but lied constantly. Hifumi wasn't the pervert people assumed him to be, and his chivalry became his downfall.
5.4- Chihiro Fujisaki & Alter Ego
While Hifumi's relationship with Chihiro was minor, it was still there, if only in the background. They bounce off of each other's thinking in the first trial, Hifumi comforts Chihiro after the first trial, and they stand together when summoned to the gym by Monokuma. It's subtle, but there, and Chihiro isn't uncomfortable with him, either. It's important enough of a detail that it carries over to adaptations, too.
He also refuses to touch Chihiro's dead body, not wanting to violate her after death. This is again another instance of Hifumi's base morals and empathy, but could hypothetically speak to a friendship as well. He mourns her death and thought highly of her.
It's also worth noting that both Chihiro and Hifumi are the two characters in this game to show some hints of remembering their history, or at least having the feeling that something isn't quite right.
"Hey, it could just be my imagination, but... have we met before?" -Chihiro Fujisaki, prologue
"...Huh? Ahh... that's right... I remember now... Hope's Peak... .... I remember... everything... Before... I'd met you... all... I'd met... you all..." -Hifumi Yamada, ch 3
This associates the two characters together, though not to a major degree. So when Alter Ego is found, this connection combined with Hifumi's love of 2D makes it completely unsurprising that he's immediately interested in them.
"'Somehow I feel kinda... sorry for her...' ..... 'It is a simple computer program. It does not *have* feelings.' 'Are you sure about that...?'" -Hifumi Yamada & Celestia Ludenberg, ch 3
This very quickly devolves into him being sexually attracted to Alter Ego. Of that there's no question. He routinely breaks class rules specifically to interact with them on multiple occasions.
"He snuck into the dressing room in the middle of the night and accessed Alter Ego without permission. And when I caught him last night... he was hugging the laptop and breathing strangely." -Kyoko Kirigiri, ch 3
"'And that guy was seriously head over heels for a mannequin. He had a wedding and everything! And your eyes just now... I saw the same look in HIS eyes!' 'Shut up! She's not a mannequin! She's an ANGEL! .... What we have can't be described by your petty 'words'!'" -Yasuhiro Hagakure & Hifumi Yamada, ch 3
He all but admits to it, too, enjoying when they say 'Master' and the drooling sprite appearing when talking to or about them a significant amount. But despite that, he insists it's beyond just sexual attraction, and feels genuine affection for them as a person as well. Because of that, he's the first in their class to verbalize that he sees Alter Ego not as a program, but a person, a sentiment that's later shared by the rest of the class(save Celeste).
Hifumi doesn't judge Alter Ego as a program first. He loves 2D and fiction, so he's immediately more open to accepting Alter Ego right off the bat. And it's that openness that allows him to be the first one to acknowledge that despite their existence being a "2D" one, that they're still alive and matter.
5.5- Kiyondo Ishida
Hifumi never really knew Taka. They'd met, obviously, but the two of them weren't friends, or even acquaintances. When it comes to the story of THH, their paths intersect for the first time after Taka is reborn as Kiyondo, and it's not under friendly terms. Both Hifumi and Kiyondo have developed a codependency on Alter Ego, and find themselves pitted against each other because of it.
There's also a distinct difference in the way the two of them treat and view Alter Ego that sets them apart. Whereas Hifumi sees Alter Ego as their own conscious entity, one that admittedly caters to his preferences, Kiyondo's attachment to Alter Ego is to see them as the tool that reincarnated Mondo and rejoined the two of them, and is therefore Mondo's lifeline. The reason they view Alter Ego differently is because they represent the same thing for both men- the one person who connects with them.
Taka was perpetually lonely and had no friends until Mondo, while Hifumi never wanted anything more than for his favorite characters to love him the way he loved them. Alter Ego unintentionally fills that void for both of them, so they both develop a possessive codependency to them and are forced to be at odds with each other because of it, and leads both of them to their deaths.
Part 6- Hifumi Yamada: Comic Book Hero
"If murder is evidence of abnormality, then all of history's greatest heroes must have been abnormal." -Monokuma theater, ch 3
Like the characters he admired in his favorite works of fiction, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, Hifumi determined the start and end of chapter 3. Chapter 3's plot and how it unfolds is a bit ridiculous, which is fitting for putting a comic relief character like Hifumi in the hotseat. It's in this chapter that we learn more about Hifumi's interests directly, and that sets the tone for the more comical and outlandish plot we get in chapter 3.
Celeste's murder plan relies heavily on Hifumi's antics, with her entrusting him to make the costume and act the fool in her play, before killing him with his own weapon of choice. In this sense, he acts as a hidden vigilante, defending her honor and saving the princess (Alter Ego) using the Robo Justice mask.
Hifumi's supposed role makes much more sense when you take it as a comic book storyline. He, the hero, is brought to the edge of death by a villain that claims itself to be justice, only to just hold on against all odds (as heroes do) and escape the clutches of evil, murdering rapists and bringing the masked villains to justice. These kinds of stories are what Hifumi eats up, but he fails to see the true role he falls into- the poor manipulated fool, henchman to the vile villainness that tosses him aside when he's no longer useful.
Part 7- Hifumi's Memory
"If I've got one thing going for me, it's my memory!" -Hifumi Yamada, ch 1
Hifumi having a good head on his shoulders is immediately plot relevant. His memory is impeccable, and this makes a lot of sense for someone revered for their place in fandom. Being able to remember the source material you're making art of can be really useful.
But in his final moments, Hifumi's strong memory comes back to him, Celeste's attack both killling him and dislodging the memories Junko had buried. This serves as both a clue to the immediate trial for his and Taka's murder, and becomes a clue towards the truth of the entire killing game.
"Who... killed me...? That's right... I remember... their name... Y...Yasu...hi...ro...." -Hifumi Yamada, ch 3
While this reveals Celeste's real name, it doesn't explain how Hifumi would've known that, and it's a question that's never directly answered until the final trial- they were friends for 2 years, and had learned her real name in that timeframe beforehand. This, alongside the first photo of the class' past and Kyoko questioning her body having changed, is where the setup for the class' missing their school lives really takes off. It's a nice detail to include for Hifumi, and has its impact on the player when you realize that Celeste, who seemed to hate Hifumi, had once willingly shared such sensitive information with him, a trust that became his final words, and it calls into question just how different everyone's relationships were with each other before the game began.
Part 8- Fatphobia In Danganronpa (& Creator's Bias)
By now, I'm certain a fair chunk of people have rolled their eyes, refreshed the page, moved on with their lives, etc. because of this post's insistence that Hifumi isn't perverted. And that's mainly because of the content of his FTEs, in which he tells us in no uncertain terms how much he wants to embarrass and mature the teen girl character he loves most. And yes, that is pretty sexual of him, and he makes a few different out-of-place sex jokes throughout his time in the game, most of which were glossed over. Well, my main reason for doing this is that I think these moments and assertions exist not in tandem with Hifumi's character and story, but in contradiction of them.
I'll elaborate. Hifumi is a fictional character. As such, when written, the character choices and dialogue are subject to authorial intent. This is base information when analyzing a character that every fictional character in all of media history is subject to. But the question with Hifumi is, how much of Hifumi's intended arc and story is negatively affected by the creator's own biases? When it comes to Hifumi, my conclusion is, a fair bit.
Hifumi's intended impact is shared with most of the cast- the subversion of expectations. Sayaka wasn't the deuteragonist. Chihiro wasn't a (cis) girl. Junko wasn't dead. Et cetera. In the case of Hifumi, this subversion is undoubtedly, and without question, that he is not a pervert. He's set up to be assumed as a pervert, only for the rug to be pulled out when Celeste reveals that he agreed to help her because he believed he was saving a sexual assault victim. He's beyond disgusted by the mere notion; he respects her, and becomes a mourned victim because of it. There's no reason for the game to call attention to this in the post-trial if this wasn't the point. So why, then, do they include all these sexual jokes, all directed at the female cast members and told exclusively by Hifumi? Why is he the one to immediately agree to spy on the girls in the bathhouse without hesitation, and mourns it if you don't unlock the cutscene? Is it all part of the 'gotcha'? Was it even necessary for the 'gotcha'? Well, no, to both questions. Hifumi has this subversion, yes, but he's also comic relief, and these moments and jokes are given to him as a result, despite the immediate and obvious contradiction.
But why? Surely these jokes could've gone to another character, or even been spread across the cast. It didn't have to be Hifumi, but the author made it so that it was, and when looking seriously at what his character was meant to accomplish, you also have to look at it critically and acknowledge why. There's one very real and apparent reason that Hifumi would be the one given these moments above everyone else, and it's the same reason the game makes multiple passes at his figure, assigns him a comic role over others in the first place, and ultimately gets lumped in with the actual perverts of Danganronpa when people criticize the fanservice and horny pervert characters of the series. He's fat, plain and simple.
Fatphobia is unfortunately evident within Hifumi's character, and most of the rest of the series as well. For one thing, in a cast of nearly 100 characters, only three are fat, and of those three, he's the only one to make it past the first chapter. Similarly to the dark-skinned characters in this series, body diversity is not a priority in Danganronpa. On top of that, all 3 of these plus-sized characters are somewhat associated with food. It's more obvious with the other two, as the Ultimate Imposter has several gags and lines about how much food he eats and how important calories are to him, and Teruteru is the Ultimate Cook, but Hifumi's official art also has him pictured with greasy snacks like potato chips while working, and in his FTEs he tells you about his Diet Coke addiction. Individually, there's nothing wrong with any of these; they make sense for the characters, but when it's all of your plus-sized characters, and you barely have any, that's a pattern.
In the case of Hifumi, though, the much more noticeable aspect of fatphobia present is his hornier brand. Other characters are noticeably uncomfortable around him at multiple instances, but by the end of the first chapter, his being a pervert is accepted fact, and people stop reacting to it.
The above sprite in particular is used very often when Hifumi is speaking, and there are several instances in which the way the player may interpret his dialogue is directly affected by the use of this particular sprite. He's visibly sweaty and drooling as he talks, and it's often paired with the Junk Food track to emphasize that what he's saying is ridiculous. An example that immediately comes to mind is if you speak to him with Sayaka before going to the gym. The Junk Food 10 track cuts in when you click on him, and immediately ends and goes back to the previous track once you're done speaking to him. The game also makes a few passes at his weight, to the point where him being too heavy to lift unironically becomes a truth bullet in the chapter 3 investigation and trial. It's technically a good point to make, since he did fly up 2 flights of stairs in the span of a few minutes, but the way in which they emphasize his weight when collecting the bullet is... rude, to say the least.
"Hifumi's big, cold body is laying on the floor... His... *really* big body. I mean, how on Earth was the killer able to move someone so big?" -Makoto Naegi, ch 3
As I stated previously, despite Hifumi having a minor arc and purpose, he is very much a comic relief character. The presentation of his character is very much a reflection of this. And there's nothing wrong with having comic relief characters. By himself, Hifumi's not being a pervert being paired with an immature sense of humor isn't the worst thing in the world, and for the most part, the contradiction here could be meta-explained as him being overexposed to Internet humor and having his foot in his mouth on occasion as a result. But that doesn't change the fact that doing it with who, at the time of his creation, is your only fat character isn't a great choice to make, and is worth calling out and criticizing for that very reason. Admittedly, this is lessened a good bit when you remember that Toko, a much thinner character, is way worse about being perverted, and plenty of way more perverted characters that are both thinner and less sympathetic as characters are introduced later. (If anything, Hifumi being negatively affected by fatphobia is worse in the fandom than it is in the actual source material, but the source did set it up for that to happen, so again, it's still worth calling out in a full character analysis.)
Part 9- Value of a Geek (Why We Care)
So now we know who Hifumi is. The perceived Hifumi, the empathetic Hifumi, and the contradictory Hifumi. So many Hifumis, and only one character. Can we condense this into a solid conclusion?
Hifumi is an otaku. Hifumi is a creator. Hifumi is horny. Hifumi beats rapists over the head with a giant fucking hammer. Hifumi Yamada is many things, a contradiction of a character. He can't keep his inside thoughts inside, but that extends to his art, too. He's a teenage boy who built a career off his pent-up frustration, and who hasn't lost sight of where the line is. He's a man of passion, in more ways than one, and he's a kinder and more chivalrous man than he's given credit for.
Hifumi Yamada may just be the character from THH you're most likely to come across in the real world. He's not some hyper-competent secret genius who made the conscious choice to dedicate his life to something. He was just a bit of a geek that really liked his favorite show, and built a community from it. He fell into his passion, and that's something I think any creator of any kind can relate to. Hifumi never cared what people thought of him, not really. He just strived to do what made him happy. Maybe we should all be more like Hifumi. Enjoy the things you love, and share that. There is a community out there that will love it; you just have to find them.
Final analysis of the year!!! Happy birthday, Hifumi!!!! ���
It's technically already 2025 and January 1st. However, it's still December 31st somewhere, so I'm considering this a victory lol. Damn, 6 analyses in a little over 6 months. That's like, 1 analysis a month. Pretty crazy
I worry this may be a tad rushed, but I've looked it over and I'm confident it holds up, even if I probably could've gone into more detail in some places or another.
Anywho, expect a larger gap between this analysis and the next, because next in line is Toko Fukawa, which means we have to go beyond THH once more. Catch ya later!
(Future Crane: Edits are due to formatting cleanup and one misattributed quote at the end of part 4. None of the information otherwise has been changed)
#yamada hifumi#hifumi yamada#trigger happy havoc#thh#dr1#thh spoilers#chihiro fujisaki#celestia ludenberg#alter ego#kiyotaka ishimaru#danganronpa#meta analysis#dr character analysis#character analysis#character study#media analysis#cw sa mention
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Since we're doing THH, how about I just throw you into the minefield and ask about Chihiro?
Are we seriously gonna go through Trigger Happy Havoc characters in order of how they died? Because it seems like that's your method Anon.
Now Chihiro is easily my favourite Trigger Happy Havoc character. While physically he, yes I'm using he/him pronouns and I will explain why, is one of the weakest, that's on the physical side. Mentally though? Chihiro is easily the strongest person out there. As it takes real guts to see your secret be about to be exposed but rather then bulk under pressure decide that no he wasn't gonna hide anymore, and he was gonna to get stronger so he could face the secret.
He's also a super helpful character as while he dies in Chapter 2, thanks to his talent he's left a Alter Ego of himself behind which extends the lifespan of the character tremedously and also gives interesting character moments between Makoto and Kyoko. While his "death" in Chapter 4 was sad, it diid mean he was able to save Makoto in Chapter 5's execution and then once the survivors got out he became the main AI for Future Foundation so yeah, short physical lifespan but bro left a legacy. Plus his work is why literally every AI character can exist. Chiaki? Usami? Heck if you go into the Another series both Mikado and Sora can be arributed to this smol programmmer. That is a sizable impact someone can leave on the franchise as a whole.
Of course we need to address the massive elephant in the room and that's Chihiro's gender identity and for that I say one thing; Westerners fucked up big time as you guys did a epic fail on Japanese culture. Under the cut because this is gonna get spicy
All of the Trigger Happy Havoc cast are based on various subcultures that existed in Japan during 2008-2010 (when the game was being made) and in the case of Chihiro his subculture was Otokonoko which is where men who had feminine qualities would dress up as women. This wasn't done because they idenified as female, but because gender roles in Japan are still quite strict and if one exhibited "unmanly" qualities they would be bullied so one would crossdress to prevent that. And that's precisely what happened to Chihiro, he was quite feminine, everyone picked on him so he dressed as an girl to avoid the bullying. But at no point does Chihiro see himself as female, in fact if you gift Chihiro feminine gifts during FTEs he gets quite angry with them, which is a major red flag for him not being actually trans.
A common argument I see is that trans wasn't a topic discussed at the time the game came out and that's why its so seemly offensive, but unlike the West, Japan doesn't have as many issues with trans people because of the whole social harmony. Due to how strict gender roles are, if one was to transition from male to female, it would be as accepted as a homosexual would in the West. Heck there's plenty of icons in Japan such as Birdo and Vivian who are confirmed to be trans and they are nothing like Chihiro is. Bear in mind these character have been around longer then Chihiro. So its not like Japan doesn't know the difference, they do. Its just they know when someone really is a boy believing they are a girl and not a boy hiding from bullies by pretending to be a girl. That is what Chihiro is.
The real message of Chapter 2 is how toxic gender roles can be as the strict gender roles not only lead to Chihiro dressing as a girl, it also led to Mondo having a lot of anger issues because he couldn't process the very real grief of losing his brother since "real men don't cry." Heck Genocider Syo's whole thing could also be gender roles being bad as she targets young handsome men exclusive.
So how come Chihiro became the target of a trans storm and toxicity? As I mentioned the message of Chihiro's character didn't translate very well overseas since unlike Japan, gender roles are a lot looser over here so as such people thought Chihiro was trans as that was the only point of reference they could identify with. Of course not only is this wrong but its insulting to both Chihiro and actual trans people.
Then my least favourite Youtuber decided to throw nuclear waste onto the topic and make the worst video I ever seen in my life on the matter which just reeks of Western imperalism, bias, and is allergic to criticism on the matter. Honestly people like them are part of the problem, most people are misinformed on Chihiro being trans and just a little knowledge into how Japanese subcultures and how gender roles are really much stricter out there then here could help matters greatly. But you always get the ones who decide to be toxic about it.
I do think this problem isn't as bad as it was in the past as most of the really toxic bastards have moved on or don't use Tumblr, and more people accept that Chihiro was never meant to be a trans representive. That and people are just more informed now.
I'll be honest there was a point I was scared to talk about Chihiro due to the fact I didn't want to get doxxed and death threatened by people, especially since I come from what is known as "TERF island" to these people. But now I realise people who start shit like that are losers and I don't need to worry about them anymore.
Either way, I will be okay talking about Chihiro when I do the Valentine's Day review and I have some big plans for him.
#review anon talks#danganronpa#dr#danganronpa trigger happy havoc#dr1#chihiro fujisaki#the chihiro minefield#its not as much of a minefield as it used to be#and if anything japan is more trans friendly then the west is#chihiro will get a great role in my au#as i have some good ways to do his character arc#but there will be heartbreaking moments#because its danganronpa#you know i have to include them#also i will block anyone trying to start shit here
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Alternative Chapters 3 & 4 of v3
Cute idea for how to promote a friend's AU: airing how I made them cry with my suggestions when they asked for ideas
Read Vespertin-y's Clockwise talent swap AU https://vespertin-y.tumblr.com/post/721299444787740672/clockwise-talentswap-lore-pt-1
Ves: ack. what do i dooooo for the ch3 motive i cant just use the necronomicon again can i
that depends, who do you want to act on a motive?
Sini: Kirumi or Gonta would probably make good chapter 3 culprits in my opinion
Ves: kirumi is the ch1 killer. gonta...oooh i haven't decided how to handle the survivor/adventurer thing with him yet. maybe survivor but it's for surviving the wilderness instead of dr??? ough i ought to get rid of himiko at some point for tenko angst purposes
Himiko could be the collateral second kill of ch3
Ves: yeah…maybe she just walked in on body hiding shenanigans? ohhhh tenko would be SO mad YOU KILL HER ALMOST-GIRLFRIEND AND NOT EVEN FOR A GOOD REASON THE AUDACITY
just what I had in mind
Sini: That cute moment between her and Gonta at the end of chapter 3? Yeah, forget that here
Ves: i think that i will let artist kiyo throttle anthropologist mugi with a garotte wire. as a treat. revenge for a past life i quite LIKE anthropologist mugi but what can ya do
Sini: Keep it to two victims and two culprits >: )
Ves: wouldn't gonta be SO fun as a survived killer though…hmm i am going to make all of kokichi's favorite people into murderers and bully him into not viewing the world so black and white
Sini: Your bestie is a murderer? Well, he’s still alive. What you gonna do about that? What do you think of that, huh?
Ves: your bestie is a murderer so is ur boyfriend HITS U WITH NUANCE STICK
okay, so Kiyo kills Tsumugi, perhaps frames Himiko like he tried to in canon, and Gonta accidentally kills her in a confrontation?
either early in the investigation, or Himiko first found the body and was seen running away by Gonta (aka Hyioko being the main suspect in ch2 of sdr2 type beat)
Gonta doesn't mean to hurt anyone, but. He's stronger than he thinks and Himiko was freaking out since to her, he might as well have been the killer, she hasn't seen anyone else out and about either so she'd try to get away from him
so it'd be just like knocking out Shuichi in canon, except, well.
Ves: that's so SAD fuckkk gonta :((((( tenko would lose. her. mind.
still rotating the possibilities of what Kiyo's in-game motive could be, I want to say that it's still a crime of passion, Tsumugi does piss him off with something
Ves: making him lose control of his own strength like that is the meanest thing ive ever heard. i might change it to him accidentally chasing himiko somewhere dangerous bc that's SO sad ACK I ALREADY DID THE ACCIDENTAL TRIPPING MURDER IN CH2 THOUGH WAILS yeag i haven't quite figured kiyo out yet… i think strangulation works better with a premeditated crime, what with him coming up behind her…but the clay cutting wire WAS just sitting around in his lab. hrm. mb she angie's herself by coming across him plotting a crime, that seems like the easiest option and i do want moogi to be an observer-type character, always watching in the background
maybe she gets too nosy not really on accident, too much accidents around here she ends up knowing too much not a plan, but a secret, a motive to get out, personal, and she wants the tea, it's scorching hot, you're going to burn yourself, Tsumugi
snhdfghf yeah…got too silly [pensive emoji] she just wanted to knowwww she's a little Too fascinated by people and with someone with as many secrets as korekiyo that is Not a friendly trait oh maybe that's the motive!! secrets, like in thh ch2
so the deaths are ch1: Maki, Kirumi ch2: Ryoma, Miu ch3: Tsumugi, Korekiyo, Himiko ch4:??? ch5: Angie, Shuichi ch6: Kaito plot armour: Kiibo, Tenko, Kokichi
Kaede and Rantaro, is it fate? the only other option is Gonta
I mean, you could Sakura Gonta since he's definitely not doing fine
but Kaede doing nothing for the whole game is a little ooc, girlie takes the matters in her own hands
boy's not coping after ch3 either way
Ves: i was looking through my past randomizers and found a ch5 where kaede kills himiko after being tricked into thinking she's the mastermind…i could move that up to ch4. but why himiko..
Himiko's dead already tho
Ves: idk i haven't committed to that yet,,tricking kaede into thinking rantarou is the mastermind feels. cliche
what if she thinks Gonta is the mastermind since he got away with murder
Ves: what kind of fucking machine would bbygirl have to build to take out GONTA poisonous insects???
she's just setting up a trap still, a wrong person could walk in it, she sets it up at Gonta's lab but Rantaro walks in for something
yes, she releases something venomous in his lab, little buggie just wanders off
or it does get Gonta, cause. He would be so devastated when he finds out that he was the one supposed to die. Literally so much worse for him than dying
back to Sakura arc, he finds out about the attempt without anybody getting hurt
Ves: i'll figure it out in the shower probably update: i took a shower and didn't figure it out [pensive emoji]
Sini: Maybe keep the idea of Gonta killing Himiko and Kaede killing Gonta, and then have Rantaro die because he broke the rules in some way? You could pull a Mukuro on him
I got another idea too, what if Rantaro kills Kaede if you were to use the card key motive again, what if he gets ahold of it, frustrated just like others with Angie insisting they just don't use it and stay there forever when it could be an exit or used to reveal mastermind's identity, so he steals it from her and finds out about the end of the world, so he snaps, "we should have died with everyone" kind of thing, Kaede is the easiest target to start with (if Himiko is already out) since she's weaker than him and trusting (unlike Ouma)
Sini: What if….You mixed the two? Like, Kaede is the one in Rantaro’s place, whose character throughout the game has been kind of regressing as time has gone on. Growing more pessimistic and untrusting. She would also be eager to know if the key could reveal the mastermind’s identity in any way, since she’s been looking for them since day one and growing more paranoid and bitter about it. Once the key card motive is revealed, she steals it from Angie and parallels Gonta in that she believes the others should all die. She could still kill Gonta because she finds him suspicious, and if he’s not, then he’s actually a pretty easy target to lure. She also might want to kill him because she believes it’s what he deserves after what he did (in that case, the character regression would be very real). Or, she could go full Gonta, and believe killing Gonta is best because he was the nicest of the group and has already gone through sm pain that he deserves to die first/not through execution. I feel like Kaede would definitely be the type to take the burden of living if she had to
having more time in the game Kaede's whole preaching cooperation and trust would slowly crumble away, seeing how in canon she was trying to reassure herself as much as the others at the start and failed to, coming to conclusion that she needs to do something herself, that Shuichi's plan is not enough, that she's not going to hope Kaito's group comes up with something. Here she had time to simmer in it and get so much worse
and I'd love to see that, let her run out of positive things to say, hang outs to distract herself with, mantras to fall asleep to and hopes that all of that was a bad dream. She can't keep waiting for something to happen and then the next thing that happens is another murder instead of the awaited rescue, to get out she is going to make it happen
guess, she was wrong when she got there, maybe you can't trust people, maybe they're all out for blood, maybe somebody else is already planning her demise
Sini: Yeah…. And there’s no point. The world is destroyed There’s no home to go back to She might as well take a chance at killing the one person she can suspect as the mastermind
she regressed so far that she reached the pg Kaede mindset, no faith in humanity, they're all capable of murder, perhaps they're there because they deserve it
Sini: YES! If even Gonta can kill…Nobody is safe. Nobody can be trusted She kills him with the poisonous bug, but the others wouldn’t know that until ways into the trial. They might think it’s classic poison. Calling back to canon chapter 4 with the poison left on the seat. Both are diversions
if they all die, then there will be no more humanity, no more cruelty, betrayal after betrayal, it'll be over
Kaede humming "no children" by mountain goats while picking out a poison to plant on the crime scene
Sini: Imagine for a moment Kaito is framed, again? Cause he’s the ultimate detective, the poison might’ve came from his lab
Sini: Also, this would hurt Kokichi sm. He’s already been questioning himself with the reveal of Gonta being the second culprit. He’s alive and he doesn’t know if he can even look at him anymore… His feelings on the matter conflicting with one another. And then to later find that he’s dead? O O F
framing Kaito is a good idea, but also what if she staged it as a suicide, really take Kokichi out of investigation with a gut punch imagine he said some shit to Gonta after the 3rd trial he'd blame himself
Sini: So I was thinking with this that maybe Rantaro doesn’t vote for Kaede in chapter 4 because if the world is really destroyed, then his sisters (if still lost in this au) are most certainly dead. However, I don’t think he would do that unless he was 100% certain that the world was destroyed. He’d have to see it for himself to truly believe, as he has his doubts on the legitimacy of all this. So what if in chapter 5, if they all see the outside world and later become depressed, TW Rantaro actually commits to killing himself? He’d do it in front of everyone so that there is no case to solve. The guilt and grief he’d feel….He’d see no point in living anymore. He might even feel guilty for not being able to be useful in preventing the murders or doing more to uncover the truth. He’d consider himself a failure in every way. Maybe he does so through breaking another rule? Again, typical Mukuro, but just done on purpose
no 4th survivor, huh
Ves, reading up after leaving for a bit:
well first of all i think im never leaving you to babysit an au again. second of all AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA kaedeee :((( also rantarou :((((( also gonta :((((((- you did not leave anyone untouched huh
Sini: HEY! IT’S UP TO YOU! Rantaro doesn’t have to die, that’s just if you want to keep the survivor count the same as in canon
Ves: i think im gonna up the survivor count…maybe by making ch3 a single murder? nnnn. kaede killing gonta is sounding real good though Sini: She could still do so, just maybe it’s as simple as Gonta is an easy target and he’s the nicest so he should be spared an awful death
Ves: NSHJDBGHSGDD….she said fuck ALL YALL except for you gonta you're an angel and we're all glad you're here- i think abt the gonta&himiko scene where he asks how he can help and she tells him he radiates so much mana he can just stand there and it'll help her simply Having A Gonta Around does wonders for magic
Sini: IT DOES But man, that just reminds me how sad Gonta killing Himiko is If you make it where just Korekiyo is the culprit, maybe have him kill Himiko instead. That way we can have the Tenmiko angst, just reverse. Also, we’d get Tsumugi as a survivor, which I think has potential. Let Tsumugi have a character arc!
that would made ch4 weaker, but ig that would mean Himiko getting Angie'd since he only had a motive to kill Tsumugi?
Ves: i think maybe. do something to make gonta think of it as his fault even if he didn't directly off someone
but think about Kokichi's character arc
Ves: AH FUCK I FOROT ABT THAT maybe he kills kiyo???? no execution on a technicality bc kiyo killed first,,
then he'd get executed cause monokuma wouldn't have anyone else to execute? Like Celeste?
Ves: there wasn't the first come first serve rule in that game though "Rule #15: If two different murders by different murderers occur at the same time, only the one whose victim was found first will be the blackened." do i have to HIDE kiyo then?? what vague wording
and in ndrv3, Monokuma only introduced the rule in ch3, knowing what happened to sow distrust but Gonta wouldn't want to get away with murder, so he wouldn't hide the body
Ves: but i also wanted to have more survivors :[
Sini: Mind you, Kokichi can still have that moment to himself cause Shuichi exists. But Gonta being a killer could do wonders for his character as well. If you have it where Kiyo kills Himiko and Gonta kills Kiyo, then it’s very likely Gonta could still get executed cause he’s the only culprit left alive.
then stick the the og idea, you can save Rantaro instead of Tsumugi
Ves: so like. himiko runs away from the crime scene, gonta tries to catch her, breaks her spine like a rabbit at the vet?
nothing's going to have the same impact, this is good because it's Gonta and she isn't even the culprit and he doesn't get executed
this is what hits the spot for character arcs for Tenko, Kokichi and Kaede (her last fucking nail) and anything else would be softening the blow, that's no what DR is about, hit them with the hammers
Ves: you're right and i hate it ○| ̄|_ kokichi doesn't make up with gonta bc of his own pride and then gonta FUCKING DIES, and that feeds nicely into his forgiveness for shuuichi…i see the vision
(edited by Ves)
and to finish it off, my take on the Themes in the AU:
what an interesting theme for the entire season it paints, the power struggle, having people who try to define and control you, use you for entertainment vs the abused, overcoming, getting from under the shoe SWINGING, finding ways to be their own person. Tenko's crisis would fit in nicely, and have parallels with Kaede's arc downwards. They both start as leader types that might come over a little bit too strong, Tenko loses faith in herself, Kaede loses faith in people, Tenko gives up on leading and falls in step with others, Kaede gives up on others and starts acting on her own, behind their backs. Kaede wants to make the decision for everyone that life's no longer worth it. Angie wants to decide what's best for everyone. Kaito wants to decide their lives, treating them like puppets. But their lives are their own. And true leadership is guidance, not force. Shuichi is the tragic example, showing how important having community is to be able to stand a chance against abusive authority. well, for M1-U it might be more dying on her own terms at best, would be cool if she self-destructed after getting hauled-off to the execution of found a way to make the execution go differently than Monokuma intended
Sini: Shuichi had access to community but couldn't truly be a part of it due to how Kaito controlled him. You could maybe contrast that with Kokichi who goes through a positive arc of letting people in and teaming up with others more. Him representing what a good leader could look like
it was too little, too late for Shuichi
Sini: OOOOO! YEAH! That's perfect! She died doing her own thing and by her own hands OH SHIT! That's actually really poetic. Cause in canon, Kaito is the one who died on his own and not by Monokuma's hands. Now he's the villain who got beat by his own alternative actions
Ves: haha loser get thematically reversed
#danganronpa#ndrv3#korekiyo shinguji#tsumugi shirogane#himiko yumeno#gonta gokuhara#kaede akamatsu#rantaro amami#kokichi oma#kokichi ouma#shuichi saihara#kaito momota#miu iruma#tenko chabashira#oumasai#saiouma#technically. not much here but it's canon in the AU#you can deduct from the weakness shown here that it is VR and they get a happy ending#made by me
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Tell me about your aus please
Okay I have a lot of aus, most I haven't even talked about on this blog (always feel free to just ask me for a random au I haven't talked about I can absolutely supply) This will get long so UNDER THE CUT
Harbinger Naegi/Harbinger Disciple Nagito/Harbinger Apostate Ryoma
This is my main swapped mastermind au, with Makoto being THH Nagito being GBD and Ryoma being NDRV3, the au starts with first off Izuru starts the tragedy by himself, Junko had plans for it but he did it first, so the timeline is a bit faster so the school has less chance to prepare, which leads to Makoto being sent outside into the tragedy for like 20 minutes to go grab something that got left behind, during this time he sees multiple deaths and locks eyes with Izuru, this spreads a seed of despair into Makoto.
That leads to him getting more and more upset about how they're locked inside with all this food and water and clean air but no one else gets this, so when he gets lucky and overhears Junko's plans, he usurps the killing game, thanos snaps her memory instead of kirigiri's. Desperate to prove himself and his friends of DESERVING of the gifts they were got by proving themselves able to not kill each other and thus good people, this immediately plunges into utter chaos when the first murder happens as Makoto is torn between his bitter despair and anger at injustice and his love and care for his friends. Chihiro must embrace the hope within themselves if they want a chance for this to end in any way that isnt pure tragedy.
Nagito watches this on tv and becomes OBSESSED with Makoto as Makoto has very much become the embodiment of how Nagito views the world, so they end up teaming up when Makoto does not in fact do the Junko suicide play and instead escapes, upon learning about the jabberwock island recovery plan, sabotages it by giving makoto a back door in, seeing the thing as pointless as it doesnt create hope or despair, what hope is there in just having your past mistakes and actions erased? what hope is it to just give a small apology and never have to think about what you did? theres no growth here! only ugly stagnation unworthy of hope and despair! Peko needs to fight for her right to simply exist.
Ryoma was a surprise for me but he made the most sense in this set up, he gets saved from suicide by Makoto and Nagito and borderline adopted, when makoto and nagito usurp tsumugis' killing game (long story and this is already so long) ryoma volunteers to be the next mastermind, unbeknownst to makoto and nagito, he has plans of his own, which should hopefully end all of these killing games for good. Kirumi however, wonders if good intentions can really make up for cruel actions.
SCP au has very little so far, but it's the idea of DICE as a faction of gamers against weed or AWCY from the SCP universe
Log Horizon AU
This is one I am desperate to work on, basically it's the world of the anime Log Horizon (which is the best mmo isekai anime) and how through being a cheater in the game irl has resulted in upon getting isekai'd kokichi having powers that no one else has, and just generally about how I think the cast would change and adapt to this world
My DR Lore
This is my 2 million page extended worldbuilding of the danganronpa universe, which is basically my pet project and where most of my headcanons come from,
Serial Shuichi Au
Oooo this is a fun one, it's designed to be a dark twist on the traditional phantom thief detective au with kokichi and shuichi by having shuichi be a serial killer that targets criminals and kokichi who is just trying to keep DICE safe and is heavily suspect of that blue haired detective that seems certain that he's connected to the murders
Eldritch Makoto Au
This is a crack au about Makoto being an eldritch being who forgor they weren't actually human.
Frozen Egg Au
This is another crack au about Makoto being sent like a hundred years in the future via cryogenic frozen
Slay The Majesty Au
Slay the Princess but its Oumota
Fae Ultimates Au
Fun playing with how Hajime is the only normal person around, by making the ultimates all fae
Robo Dictator Au
I just think Kiibo should get to do the robot apocalypse and be gay about it, as a treat
Schrodinger’s Kichi Au
Is a fucked up au that I adore where Kokichi possesses his own dead body and no one is comfortable about that, except for korekiyo, he thinks its sick as hell
Shuichi Enoshima Au
Funny bait and switch au about Shuichi being the son of Junko she threw into a dumpster but then got rescued and never learned that hes adopted
Remnant Impact
This is a joke about the Remnants on social media, and eventually they made a genshin impact knock off and it got named after that because that was HYSTERICAL
Kokichi Stans Au
This one's a commentary on stan culture, and how BATSHIT it must be in the danganronpa world by having Kokichi have to deal with his most dangerous and erratic fans
Closet Stocks Au
I genuinely don't know what's going on here either, I sure get anons sometimes
Omegaverse go brrrr
You Destroy My World Au
World Destroyer Shuichi that's a twist on the tired pregame stalker shuichi by having kokichi misunderstand the situation and try to understand what's going on as the world destroyer tries to wake him up
Chiaki Isekai Au
We need to put Chiaki in more video games, put her in portal, put her in animal crossing, let her be in game
Obligatory Homestuck Au
You can't fight the homestuck
Hope’s Peak Destruction Au
My ishiouma au where Kokichi and Ishimaru team up to take down hope's peak and kiss about it
Obligatory Pokemon Au
Gotta catch em all
Dice Hax Au
DICE hacks into Kiibo's inner voice and chaos ensues
Full Talent Swap Au
I took every talent in the series outside of a few from the other more niche books and reassigned EVERYONE
Obligatory Warriors Au
Obligatory Minecraft Au
Don't mine at night
The Pony Au
Can you tell I like putting characters into other universes?
Pararonpasight Au
Okay now you can definitely tell I like putting characters into other universes
Oumelette Au
Sometimes you are trans, and due to funny shared terminology confusion, also a system but youre in a killing game so you don't got time for that right now
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i probably ought to give a bit of a primer for tenuvo pronunciation. it's the same for all dialects, they just shape words and phrases a bit differently with the same sounds. gonna put a readmore bc this got a little longer than i anticipated.
everything is basically the same as english, with a few small changes/caveats. "c" is never pronounced like "s" or "k," always being "ch" as in the english "chat" or "batch." "g" is always hard, like "goat." "h" by itself tends to be a bit throatier than in english, but there are some other uses for "h" i'll get to in a bit. there's a separate letter for "kh," which is like the "ch" in scottish "loch" or german "ach". there's also a separate letter (in the script tenvo use) for the "ng" sound, which usually comes at the end of syllables but can also come at the beginning. "q" never makes a "kw" sound, instead being a kind of "hard k," coming from the back of your throat, very much like the sound "q" makes in arabic. "r" is usually tapped, not like the english "r" but more like the spanish "r." "sh" has its own letter in the tenuvo script, pronounced like english "shy". "th" has its own letter, pronounced usually as the hard "bath," but dialectical variation sometimes allows for "this" (try saying both words; you'll find there is a difference!). "y" is always a consonant, pronounced as in english; most consonants have a special form for when "y" follows it. also, consonants can geminate (double), and technically this produces a unique sound compared to a single consonant, but it's rarely phonemic (as in, matters for telling between similar words) anymore.
aspirated consonants:
there are also "aspirated" consonants. ("kh" is technically one, but it's the only one that gets its own character. the rest are a combination of the normal consonant and the letter "h".) aspirated consonants are kind of breathier versions of the regular consonant, kind of the same as aspirated consonants in indian (as in the subcontinent) languages. just pronounce the consonant like it has an "h" right behind it (which it kind of does lol). aspirated consonants include: bh, dh, fh, gh, jh, kh (which has its own character), lh, mh, nh, ph (never pronounced like "f"!), qh (often very similar to kh tbh), rh, sh (as in s + h, not the "shy" sound), shh (this is sh + h, the "shy" sound), th (as in t + h, not the "bath" sound), thh (this is th + h, the "bath" sound), vh, wh, xh, yh (last two are very rare), and zh.
so vowel length, while not always like.....actually length related, does matter in tenuvo! it's just a thing of the actual vowel sound being used mostly now. short "a" as in "cat," long "a" as in "father," short "e" as in "bed," long "e" as in "hey," short "i" as in "hit," long "i" as in "seat," "o" always as in "oh" (no length differences here), short "u" as in "cut," long "u" as in "boot." some diphthongs (all are technically "long" vowels): "au" as in "ow," "ai" as in "eye," "oi" as in "boy." (all diphthongs are rather archaic, but "aurena" uses one so yeah. there's also "oe" which is a long "cut" sound, but it's extremely archaic lol. never used anymore.) vowels preceded by a "u" develop a "w" sound, as in "Uodh" and "Uorh." if a vowel would be preceded by a long "i," the "i" is replaced by a "y."
small note on how vowel length is written: there's a few rules. typically a vowel followed by a single consonant (or none at all) is considered "long," but a vowel followed by a cluster of consonants (unless the first consonant is an "r"!) or a geminated consonant is considered "short." in some cases, though, you want to force a "long" sound even when the following consonant is geminated. to do this, you write in an "h" right between the vowel and the geminated consonant/consonant cluster.
however, as you may have noticed by how i've been writing most names, there's an alternate way of denoting vowel length: doubling the vowel for a long vowel. so for "shiaaj," for example, the "i" is short, making the "hit" sound, whereas the "aa" denotes a long "a," making the "father" sound. if it was written "shiaj," the "a" would make a "cat" sound. and, of course, the "i," being short, does not turn into a "y."
consonants as vowels:
"l," "m," "n," "ng," "r," "s," "sh," and "z," as well as their aspirated counterparts, can also be used as vowels! take, for example, the "r" at the end of "olsekr," "otr," and "utstr." that "r" at the end is a vowel! it's basically like putting a short "u" in front of the "r," but it's said so quickly that the "r" sounds like it's on its own, just floating there. the "s" in the middle of "utstr" is also serving as a vowel between those "t"s! that ends up sounding kind of like a "psst!" but with a "t" at the beginning instead of a "p." i've written some words with vowels that technically don't need them, mostly for ease of reading. for example, the southern peninsula of "gurduu" would be spelled in the tenuvo script as "grduu," with the short "u" implied and wrapped up in the "r." "olsekr" could also be spelled "olskr!"
i might be forgetting some other things, but i'll leave it here for now! i'll append this if i remember
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*As Azrael manages their first statement, Crimson's gaze immediately snaps back to the angel, an immediate anger flaring up behind his eyes. He opens his mouth to retort but is cut off as they keep talking*
*Still, that explanation doesn't deter his anger. He seems to have enough mind to know that yelling in his current state probably isn't the best idea, which is likely the only reason he doesn't end up raising his voice. Despite this, a low growl can be heard behind his words*
{Yyou think he has thh- the full story annd I don't...? I've known Mmind far longer thann hh- he has, I've sseen this ww—}
*That very last sentence finally seems to register as his expression twists up into something a bit more conflicted, although that aggravation is still very prominent*
[Azrael soon arrived again, dropping in through the roof and landing on the arm of the couch opposite Crimson’s head — staying remarkably balanced on the object despite such little surface area. The angel squatted into a perched position, placing two arms in front of themself to keep them in place]
[Naturally, the first thing they seemed to take notice of was the television — and probably the lack of shows being presented on it. Azrael trilled, tilting their head a little at the metal box]
So, what’re we watching?
- [Another Set of Eyes]
*Crimson startles at the sound of the angel's presence, which in turn causes Jehanne to startle as well with a squawk. Crimson props himself up to look over at the other with wide eyes, although his gaze still seems a little distant. He doesn't answer their question*
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hello mod souda it is mod souda can you do a giving thh boys sign names
Giving THH boys (ASL) sign names after you start dating
omg hello mod souda I am also mod souda this is so weird anyway I just wanted an excuse to write this lmfao
speaking of asl - i'm transferring from an associates interpreting degree to a bachelors at an actual university and when i brought this up people were like oh yeah that university isn't on our "hey here are the schools you can transfer to" list and i was like oh ! i don't care ! and guess what mwahahaha the transfer got approved and i'm goign to a university now yayuhhhh i'm happy
Sign name: "People within the Deaf community will often assign a name sign, or American Sign Language (ASL) name, as a unique way to identify someone."
if anyone wants to know mine it's the sign for destroy but the hand shape at the end is an "N".
-Mod Souda
Yasuhiro Hagakure
❤ You wanted to give him a sign name of something like fortune - or something around the mystic aura of him.
❤ But before you gave him an official sign name, whenever you started describing him to people who didn't know him, you always did the same motion.
❤ Almost like the sign for moose, except your fingers would be in '4' shape, visually describing the way his hair comes from his head.
❤ When someone else, learning from you, referred to him as that, you realized you accidentally gave him a sign name.
❤ And when you finally show him what it is - his reaction is some, "Woah - it looks exactly like me!"
❤ You feel as if if you told him that he was originally going to get something fortune related that he's be mildly disappointing. So you keep that to yourself.
❤ Accidental name sign is the best kind of name sign.
Byakuya Togami
❤ I'm thinking about if the Togami Empire would have a sign for its own. I imagine - maybe not?
❤ If you know of specifically Byakuya before you meet him then the name sign might be a little less pointed.
❤ Something like king but with a "t".
❤ He would probably look very prideful when he shows this off to other Deaf people.
❤ Other than that - I think more realistically you'd give him a sign like snobbish. At most snobbish-er or snobbish man just to make it a little more human.
❤ He wouldn't like that one as much.
❤ I imagine if you did give him the snobbish one then eventually you would change it to something nicer just so he'd be able to introduce himself to people. As a hearing person he probably wouldn't appreciate the blunt-ness of the sign name. You'll spare him.
Makoto Naegi
❤ In a romantic sense, the sign for sweet but ending in an "m".
❤ But that would be a petname more than anything.
❤ The name sign you settle with for public appearance is N-M for Naegi Makoto. The fingerspelling translates into JSL a little more fluidly - Na-Ma.
❤ It's easier for him to remember so he likes it a lot. It feels like a name tag. Something professional.
❤ Plus, it's easier for his friends to remember, too, so if they ask about him to you then you'll understand them better.
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
❤ If the two of you go to highschool together, I imagine it would be something like good student or more improperly goody goody two shoes.
❤ He would probably like the goody goody two shoes one. Knowing him.
❤ But if you meet him outside of school then maybe some easy fingerspelling, like I-H-I.
❤ ^ Which started as I-S-H-I but got short-cutted into I-H-I.
❤ He loves any name sign you give him, even if it is something mildly derogatory. To think that he has a name (ESPECIALLY an assigned one, and assigned by you - oh, he's going to blush) in another culture makes him feel very enlightened.
❤ He wants to hear all about Deaf culture and the history behind it.
❤ And he wants to learn about what is and is not respectful.
Mondo Oowada
❤ Biker didn't feel good enough. It doesn't portray his energy - the way he's commonly feared.
❤ The name sign biker doesn't give you the same feeling as does when he swerves that damn bike in the street in front of you to tell you good morning before driving away with his gang.
❤ M-Rebel you decide to give him. An 'm' and then the sign for rebel.
❤ He loves the fluid motion of it - and it looks boss as fuck, too.
❤ He tells you he gives approval of the name sign (as if you're asking).
❤ His friends would be like "psh how cute, look at your little sweetheart giving you a nickname!" and then come up to you in private and be like "yo can i get one too? haha jk... no but will you?"
Leon Kuwata
❤ Probably something like rocker to make him feel better - which would be like guitar-er but with an 'ah yeah' facial expression.
❤ Or something reminiscent of his goatee- he might like that one.
❤ Just like with Hagakure, if you started off describing him when talking to people rather than referring to him by name, then the goatee one would more likely happen.
❤ ^ This is unlikely (in my head) because I think his name is short enough for you to fingerspell it before resorting to using visual descriptions more than once.
❤ But if you have a sense of humor, you give him the goatee one.
❤ He likes whatever you give him. Unless it's something baseball related. Then he'd be like yeah, yeah, I suppose so.
❤ (it would be funny if you made his sign name womanizer lmfao I would be petty enough to do that ngl).
Hifumi Yamada
❤ Oh I can see it referring to his mouth or his hair.
❤ A triangle made by pointer fingers with the base being the top of your head.
❤ Or both hands going to your lips, using your index and thumb to create his mouth shape.
❤ He would probably ask you to create sign names for his favorite characters so he can talk about them with you.
❤ Or just any character in general - he wants to know what your mind has to say about it.
Chihiro Fujisaki
❤ Programmer! It's easy, simple, and a sign he really wants to know.
❤ Plus, whenever you introduce him to other Deaf people they get really impressed that he's a programmer.
❤ It's like a flex. You've assigned him a flex.
❤ Another word he knows is cutie but that's just because you call him it all the time.
❤ Sweet, cute, home signs for sweetheart.
❤ He likes introducing himself with his sign name because he feels like it really resonates with who he is - it also reminds him of his dad.
#yasuhiro hagakure x reader#hagakure yasuhiro#yasuhiro hagakure#byakuya togami x reader#byakuya togami headcanons#byakuya togami#leon kuwata x reader#leon kuwata#hifumi yamada x reader#hifumi yamada#ishimaru kiyotaka x reader#kiyotaka ishimaru#chihiro fujisaki x reader#danganronpa chihiro#mondo owada#mondo owada x reader#mondo oowada
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Can I get the thh boys with an s/o who's the ultimate cheerleader and the boys finding out that people are insulting their s/o purely based of the stereotypes and it's starting to get to their s/o. Like these have bad opinions on cheerleaders purely because of TV and movies (oh boy do I have stories)
Aw nonnie, nobody should treat you that way based off of a dumb dumb stereotype :^( SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT//
Byakuya Togami
“Byakuya?” you nearly whisper, frowning as you stare at your lap. You hear him hum from where he’s sitting on the chair across from you, reading. “You don’t think I’m snobbish, do you?” It’s silent for a few moments, and you almost regret asking, opening your mouth to take it back before he cuts you off.
“Where did you get that assumption?” you hear him snap his book shut, placing it on the table next to him as he focuses fully on you.
You shrug vaguely, still avoiding his gaze, “Some people at school keep saying stuff about me because I’m a cheerleader.”
“And you would believe them, why?”
You give him another shrug, sighing softly, “I-I don’t know. After a while of hearing the same things you start to wonder if it’s true.” You hear him shuffle again, and your gaze flickers up to see him swinging one of his legs over the other as he sighs through his nose.
“Let’s not forget that you’re an Ultimate and they’re not. They’re beneath you, jealous of your talent, and taking it out on you in hopes that it will make you fall beneath them. They’re not worth your time, and they never will be,” he states matter-of-factly. “Commoners will never understand, so there’s no point in taking anything they say into consideration.”
Giving him a small smile, you thank him as you feel some of the doubts that plagued your mind dissipate. He only hums in response, picking his book back up and flicking it open again. Despite his cold demeanor, the way his gaze lingers on you before returning to his book tells you all you need to know.
Hifumi Yamada
“Y/N! Y/N, I’m here!” Hifumi practically sings, knocking lightly on your door. You clasp your hand over your mouth, trying to calm yourself down enough to answer him without any shakiness in your voice. You try to quickly dry your seemingly never ending stream of tears, sniffling loudly. “Y/N?” Hifumi calls again, this time considerably less cheerful.
“O-one second, Hifumi,” you call out, silently cursing yourself as your voice cracks in the middle. You pray that Hifumi doesn’t think much of it.
“Oh, okay! ...Wait, are you crying?!” Damn. Well, no point in hiding it now. You open the door with another sniffle, moving slightly to let him almost rush inside before closing it again. “Y/N, what’s wrong?! You can talk to me, I happen to be a very good listener,” he says with an almost proud tone, smiling at you.
“Thank you, Hifumi,” you smile, wiping your leftover tears away. You sit down on your bed, beckoning him over to sit next to you, which he gladly does. He waits patiently for you to begin, offering you his hand with a kind smile. You interlock your fingers gratefully.
You take a moment before beginning to explain everything. You tell Hifumi about everything people had been saying about you, how they view cheerleaders as bad people solely based off of media and were judging you based off of that as well. He listens to you quietly, occasionally nodding his head (and with a little huff of agitation) to let you know he’s still listening.
“I’ve been trying to just let it go, but recently it’s been too much, y’know?” you finish, sighing heavily. Hifumi nods again, eyebrows furrowing as he seemingly contemplates what to say.
“...How messed up!” he settles on, shaking his head angrily, huffing again through his nose, “Judging people based on something like that... that’s like judging someone solely based on what anime they watch!” He clenches the hand that’s not holding yours into a fist, gritting his teeth. You laugh quietly at his comparison, making his scowl relax back into a small smile.
“Don’t listen to them, Y/N! Doing something you love... it’s way more important than listening to jerks like them who don’t even know you!”
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Your eyes gloss over the same math equation for what seems like the tenth time, trying to cement it into your brain. Each time you read it it feels like it goes through your mind and then directly out of it as soon as your eyes move on. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t focus on anything.
Your mind keeps drifting back to the comments that were being made towards you recently. They circle throughout your mind, fogging any chance of focusing on this study session. You’d been trying to let it all roll off of your back, just how you’d always done, being the Ultimate Cheerleader doesn’t always warrant the kindest treatment, especially because of how the media treats cheerleaders. Lately, though, it seemed as if the comments being made were digging deeper, cutting harsher than they usually did.
“Hey, Taka?” you break the silence that had taken over the room previously. You hear Taka hum in acknowledgement, raising his head slightly to peek up at you from his spot in front of you on his bed. “Can... can I talk to you about something?”
You can tell he’s about to oppose in favor of waiting until after you both study, but he promptly closes his mouth when he sees the serious look on your face. Flipping his book closed and setting it aside, he scoots closer to you, “Of course you can, Y/N.” He takes the book from your lap as well, closing it and setting it off next to his own. “What would you like to talk about? I am happy to listen and show any support I can!”
You smile at his enthusiasm, shifting your gaze to your lap and taking a deep breath to collect your scattered thoughts. He waits patiently, folding his hands in his lap as you decide what to say.
“Lately a lot of people have been talking about me,” you start. “Not in a good way. They’ve been, uh, insulting me because I’m a cheerleader,” you see Taka stiffen, furrowing his eyebrows, “And they think that all cheerleaders are awful because of some stupid tv shows. And usually I try to let it go, but it’s just been... worse lately, I guess.”
“This- this is unacceptable! Who are they?! I’ll give them a stern talking to- no, not only that, but I’ll give them detention, too, and-!” you cut him off by reaching out to gently grab his hand.
He blushes as you lace your fingers with his, smiling at him, “Thank you, Taka.”
“O-of course! They’re completely wrong to judge you based off of a stereotype, Y/N,” he firmly states, nodding for emphasis. “A-and for what it’s worth,” he pauses as if debating something in his head, and then he very quickly lifts your hand to press a kiss to the back of it, blush intensifying, “I-I... I think you’re pretty amazing!”
Leon Kuwata
“Yo, Y/N, you in there?” you hear Leon knocking on your door. Sniffling, you struggle to wipe the still falling tears from your cheeks, choking back a sob. Leon knocks again after a few moments, prompting you to try and call out a “hold on”, but your voice breaks in the middle. “...Y/N, you okay?”
You shakily open the door, revealing your distraught form to him as he ruffles his hair nervously. “Whoa, hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, following you inside your room as you back up. He closes the door behind him, furrowing his eyebrows in concern as you sniffle. He slides his arms around your waist, pulling you close to rest your head on his chest.
You bury your head into his chest, shaking as you try to explain with a steady voice. He rubs your back soothingly as you gradually explain everything to him, patiently waiting in moments where your voice becomes too shaky to speak. You choke out how horrible you’ve been feeling because of what people were saying about you, how it’s become too much for you to handle.
Leon holds you close as you cry into his chest, only guiding you to sit on your bed once you start to calm down. It’s only when you pull away from him that you realize how tightly he’s clenching his jaw. “All of that is bullshit,” he eventually says, a hard edge to his tone, “They’re all dumbasses! Being a cheerleader doesn’t define who you are!”
You slouch forward, letting your forehead rest on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you, letting you relax into him. You tiredly thank Leon, a small smile playing on your lips as he kisses your head. “Don’t let jerks like that get to you, Y/N, they’re stupid as hell. I’ll kick their asses,” he offers, voice contrastingly soft for the harsh words. Smiling, you sigh against his shoulder, thanking him quietly as he holds you.
Makoto Naegi
Leaning back against Makoto’s chest, you sigh softly as your mind wanders from watching Makoto play his video game, arms circled around you to hold the controller. Your eyes stay trained on the colorful world on the screen as your thoughts drift off to more troublesome thoughts. You’d always been looked down upon by others for being the Ultimate Cheerleader, and while it wasn’t you specifically that was the problem (rather the media’s interpretation of cheerleaders), recently it had started to bother you more than usual.
People just seemed to automatically assume that you were snobby, or mean, or talked behind people’s backs without actually ever talking to you. It frustrated you, how could you just assign someone a personality based on what they like to do? Based on something that isn’t even accurate?
“Y/N?” Snapping back to reality, you notice the game had been paused. Tilting your head back to look at Makoto, you see him frowning down at you. “Are you okay? I’ve said your name three times already.”
“Oh, sorry,” you mumble, “I was just thinking.” Makoto’s gaze lingers on you even after you tilt your head back to look at the still paused screen again.
“You know, if something’s bothering you, I’d be happy to listen,” he reminds you, placing the controller to the side.
“You sure?” you look back up at him, “If you want to keep playing I don’t mind.”
He shakes his head, smiling, “The video game can wait.” A small smile grows onto your face, thanking him quietly.
“It’s just...” you sigh again, trying to organize your thoughts, “Recently the things people are saying about me has been getting to me. They’re judging me without even talking to me just because I’m a cheerleader, and it- it just sucks, y’know?”
“Yeah, I understand,” Makoto tightens his hold on you, tugging you closer back into his chest, “Just remember that they don’t know you for you. You’re an amazing person, and if they can’t see past the obviously fake image of cheerleading, then they’re missing out.”
You relax further into him, thanking him quietly as he places a kiss on the top of your head, “Of course, no one should judge someone based on what they like to do.”
Mondo Oowada
Curled up in an empty hallway in the school, you furiously rub your eyes as tears stream down your face. You don’t want to be crying right now, damn it! Mondo is about to pick you up for your date, and if he sees you crying then he’s going to ask why, and then you’ll have to explain how people are insulting you for some dumb stereotype-
This only causes you to cry harder, shoulders shaking as you’re reminded of the insults that are constantly being thrown at you for being the Ultimate Cheerleader. You try to calm yourself down, Mondo will be here any minute, you remind yourself, but you can’t seem to settle your thoughts down.
“Yo, Y/N, you h-” Mondo cuts off as he rounds the corner to see you, hugging your knees tightly to yourself and hiding away from him. You seem to only curl further into yourself at his voice. “Shit, Y/N, what’s wrong?” he tries to soften his voice, kneeling down beside you and placing a hand on your back, stroking it soothingly.
At the feeling of his hand, you suddenly open yourself up, throwing yourself into his arms. He catches you with a quiet “whoa”, arms wrapping tightly around you. He shifts to sit against the wall, pulling you fully into his lap as you sob into his chest. He continues to rub your back, moving his other hand up to stroke your hair in an attempt to soothe you.
He’s silent even as you start to calm down, letting you be the first to speak. You linger against him for a few more moments as you tremble, head pressed against his chest. You eventually lean back, apologizing for sobbing on his shirt without any warning. He shakes his head, “Don’t fuckin’ apologize. If you need to cry, you need to cry, y’know?”
You nod, silent for another moment as you sniffle. You shakily ask if it’s okay for you to vent to him, to which he scoffs and tells you that “of fucking course you can, it’d be shitty as hell for me to not let you talk about what’s bothering you”. You giggle a bit at that, sliding your hand down to take one of his own in yours, squeezing it as a thank you.
You explain to him all of the things that people have been saying about you, how you try to keep your head high and keep going, but it’s all getting to be too much for you to handle. How people aren’t even trying to get to know you for you, and rather just assuming the way you are based off of the stereotypical cheerleader in media.
“What the fuck?! I’ll beat some fuckin’ respect into them!” Mondo threatens, clenching the hand that wasn’t holding yours into a fist. You take his fist with your other hand, gently unraveling his fingers to interlock with your own. He sighs heavily, tugging you closer to him to press a kiss to your forehead.
“None of that is fucking true, got it? They’re dumbasses for just assuming shit about you. You’re kick ass and nothing they say can change that.”
Yasuhiro Hagakure
“Yo, Y/N, there you are!” Yasuhiro laughs loudly, “Think you could give me the answers to the math test?” You jolt in surprise, head snapping up from where you’d settled it against your knees. You quickly raise your hand to wipe away your tears, clearing your throat as Yasuhiro finally notices the state you’re in.
He’s silent for a moment before kneeling beside you, a smile on his face, “Hey, I don’t know what’s bothering you, but it’ll totally work out! You need to trust the process.” He nods sagely, and you huff out a sigh of amusement at his blatant optimism. “You can talk to me if you want! I’m pretty good at listening.”
He sits beside you as you nod gratefully, leaning your head on his shoulder as you tell him why you were crying. He listens as you vent to him about everything being said about you, offering a kind smile whenever your voice shakes too much to continue for a moment. When you finish, he’s considerably less optimistic than when he found you.
“...Jeez, how rude!” he angrily exclaims, clenching his fist as he huffs, “That’s totally messed up! Those guys really have a huge ego to be insulting you when they’re so awful!” You sigh, shrugging vaguely and pulling yourself closer to him. He sighs as he wraps an arm around your waist, calming down as you cuddle up to him. “Don’t worry, Y/N, I have a feeling it’s gonna bite them in the ass, soon,” he sends you a wink. You laugh quietly as he tugs you closer to him, letting a comfortable silence fall on you two.
Chihiro Fujisaki
“Hey, Chihiro, you busy right now?” you ask quietly, leaning against the doorframe as he types away on his computer. He swivels in around in his chair with a smile at your voice.
“No, not at all,” he says softly, beckoning you in with a small wave of his hand. You close the door behind you, shuffling over to sit on his bed as he spins his chair to follow you. He seems to notice the more serious mood you’re in, for he tilts his head and asks if you’re alright.
“Well,” you swallow thickly, trying to ignore the lump in your throat, “Can I... talk about something?”
“Of course, Y/N,” he smiles at you again, but this time there’s a certain kindness to it that makes you feel at peace. With that comforting feeling, you begin to tell Chihiro about what’s been bothering you. As you start, Chihiro stands up and slides onto the bed next to you, folding his hands as he listens to you. As you explain how people had been berating you he gasps softly, a worried yet frustrated expression forming on his face.
“That’s awful,” he murmurs, tears pricking his eyes, “You’re so kind and caring... How could anyone say such horrible things?” Peeking up at you from where his head is tilted down, his face flushes as he leans forward to softly kiss you on the cheek. “P-please don’t listen to them, Y/N. None of what they said is true.”
Kiyondo Ishida (he’s technically here, right? right. let’s ignore the implications)
“They fudgin’ what?!” Kiyondo shouts, clenching his fists, “I’ll give them detention for fudgin’ life! I’ll kick their butts!”
“No, Kiyondo, please don’t beat them up-” you struggle to restrain him from rushing out of the room.
“I have to! They made you feel like crap, Y/N!” You grab ahold of his clenched fists, unraveling them to lace your fingers together in hopes of calming him down. He still struggles to make his way to the door, but he starts to settle down as you squeeze his hands gently. He meets your gaze as he returns the simple affection, a smile hinting at his usual scowl.
He sighs, still fuming but no longer itching to sprint out of your room, “Shoot, sorry Y/N. Guess I got too rash, huh?”
You shake your head, pecking his cheek in appreciation and laughing under your breath as he tenses, a pink hue dusting his cheeks, “Thank you, Kiyondo, I really appreciate it.”
“O-of fudgin’ course, Y/N! Everything they said about you is crap! They’re dumbbutts for judgin’ you based off of somethin’ like that,” he says firmly, “Tomorrow I’m going to give them all fudgin’ detention, and they won’t mess with you again!”
#all thh#byakuya togami x reader#hifumi yamada x reader#kiyotaka ishimaru x reader#leon kuwata x reader#makoto naegi x reader#mondo oowada x reader#yasuhiro hagakure x reader#chihiro fujisaki x reader#kiyondo ishida x reader#danganronpa x reader#danganronpa imagines#danganronpa scenarios#byakuya togami#hifumi yamada#kiyotaka ishimaru#leon kuwata#makoto naegi#mondo oowada#yasuhiro hagakure#chihiro fujisaki#kiyondo ishida#danganronpa#trigger happy havoc#Anonymous
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Hit and Run
I'm going to write something for the Ghost AU again.
Timeline-Wise, it happens at the end of THH's Chapter 3.
"You must not leave"
That was the words written in the paper that fell from a file Makoto grabbed.
It was like Kyoko told Makoto: In the storage room in the 2nd floor's boys bathroom it was a hidden room, full of files and yearbooks. Probably Junko used the room to hide them, Utsuro thought while Makoto was about to look at one file, only for their attention being shifted towards the paper once they realized its presence.
Soon after he read it, the luckster grabbed his head, like he was in pain, only for his words afterwards made Utsuro understand what was really happening:
"But... I can't quite remember..."
The words in the paper had to jog some part of his lost memories of the Tragedy happening outside, clearly, considering how Junko had to have used the same memory-repression machinery she ordered him to use in his own Killing Game with his "friends" on class 79.
But, a shadow behind Makoto brought Utsuro right into reality, making him turn around to see what it was.
And his eyes widened in shock when he recognized it.
A masked perso- no, Junko Enoshima, hiding her face with a mask, was behind Makoto and with a wooden pole in her hand, about to bring it down on the luckster's head.
"Mako-!" But, before he could finish, Junko hit Makoto with all her strength.
His hands are shaking, his ears are ringing and he feels like he can't breathe -likehe'sdrowning-, something that doesn't even makes sense, he has stopped being able to breathe for a long time. If he still had a heart, it would already be beating out of control.
But the only thing he can do is look at the limp body right before his eyes.
He's scared.
After some seconds of hesitation, Utsuro tries to shake Makoto awake. He was able to grab the luckster's shoulder for a moment, but his hand phased through it soon after.
"H-hey, Naegi?" He doesn't know how he was able to talk so clearly, thanks to how his voice was wavering "Makoto Naegi, a-are you ok?"
He can't see if Makoto's breathing and, if Junko killed him, he's sure that the Ultimate Despair will use his body to make the game more interesting.
After all, it is what he did to Yamato and Mikako. The Monokumas he controlled blew a hole right in the inventor's chest before they blamed his friend for his death, just for the crime of not losing their memories.
The memories of "Yuki" burns the image of a bloodied Mikako, dying in Rei's arms to escape from a execution she didn't deserve, in his mind.
"Co-come on, wake up" He tries to grab his shoulder again, without success. Both his hands and voice are shaking now "H-hey! Wake up, Mako-!"
A small groan stops his panicked screams. In that moment, Utsuro can see clearly that Makoto's chest is moving, a discovery that makes him stop shaking, clearly relieved that the luckster is still alive.
"Great, now I have to destroy all of this"
The noise of Junko's voice cuts through all his thoughts, making the spirit move his attention from Makoto to her.
As he was panicking about the luckster's wellbeing, the fashionista has been throwing all the books and files on the room in a bag that, it seemed, was carrying all this time, completely unaware of the ghost's presence.
Utsuro's ears started ringing again, but this time, it was because the only thing in his mind is how he wanted to grab her stupid, SMUG face, and smashing it on the wall until-
Utsuro stops for a moment, don't even realizing that he was digging his nails into the ground, loosely speaking, because it was more of his fingers phasing through the floor, because of that violent thought.
Oh, he was now angry.
The Ultimate Despair walks besides them, saying something that Utsuro is unable to hear, which moves him to try to grab her shoulder, only to phase through her like is she wasn't there. Junko stops, looking behind her shoulder, before abandoning the room, leaving the two boys alone.
Utsuro stops floating around when he hears a groan, going to Makoto's side when he sees that the luckster is waking up.
The first thing he notices is the fact that one of Makoto’s pupils is bigger than the other, the second is the blood in the back of his head.
"G...gh. Ow"
Makoto tries to stand up, but Utsuro stops him. "Stop, you were hit in the head. You shouldn't move right now" The spirit looks... worried?
"Uh... 'tsuro? What...?" Makoto looks around the room, his eyes locked right in the direction of the empty bookshelf, squinting for a moment before opening his eyes wide in surprise "Wait, it's... it's all gone!"
But before Makoto could say anything more, he tumbled slightly before groaning in pain, clearly still affected by the hit to his head. "My head..."
"Hey, wai-!" The luckster vaguely hears Utsuro say as he moved towards the door of the room in a haze, before interrupting the ghost with his own voice:
"Sorry, 'tsuro... I should go back to my room... I need... To rest..." Those last words come more like an afterthought, as Makoto exits the room to return to his room.
Utsuro's not having it.
"What!? No!" The ghost follows him in the hallway, his voice being ignored by the concussed boy "Your head is bleeding, Makoto Naegi, you need help, not sleeping!"
After somehow being able to return to the 1st floor, Makoto's legs finally give in, making him colapse against the wall, which makes Utsuro close up to him, clearly worried, but before the ghost could say anything, the both of them hear a noise.
" What the...?"
"Gh..." Makoto groans as he forces himself to stand up, even if his body is screaming at him to not do it "That noise... The gym...?"
The luckster started dragging himself to the gym, ignoring Utsuro and his concerns once again. Makoto could barely hear him telling him that he needed to go to the nurse office, but he ignored him, being more interested in the noise in the gym.
After arriving at the gym's door, the noise could be heard more clearly. A sound that sounded like...
"A fight?" Utsuro's voice says behind him while Makoto opens the door without making any noise.
The two boys peek behind the door, only to find a surprising sight:
Sakura and Monokuma... fighting?.
Against the sight before them, none of the boys said anything, with the mechanical bear eventually talking to his opponent after the long fight.
"Why you..." The bear sounded angry "Why do you think you're doing!?" Against the martial artist's silence, the bear continued "I asked a question! What's the meaning of this!?"
The bear's red eye glows brighter "How dare you defy me...? This wasn't part of the deal!"
The two lucksters' eyes widen up. "Deal"?
Sakura finally speaks "I made a decision..." She closes her eyes "I will no longer retreat, no longer compromise, no longer regret... I've made my decision!"
Her eyes open up, with a fiery glare "I'm going... To resist you!"
Utsuro stopped registering the rest of the conversation, and everything that was happening around him for that matter, in shock of what he had just heard.
In his mind, there was just one explanation to what he and Makoto had just witness.
And that was that Junko's spy in this Killing Game was Sakura Ogami.
#my writing#Dangan Ronpa#danganronpa#trigger happy havoc#danganronpa fangame#danganronpa another#super danganronpa another 2#dra#sdra2#makoto naegi#utsuro#junko enoshima#sakura ogami#monokuma
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I’ve seen so many of my mutuals do these F/O acrostic poem ask things, in which has gotten me all excited and giddy to do the ask game too!
All under the cut :)
[DNI if you ship and post about Nae//gami. Block me immediately and leave.]
This is the original post if you’re wondering <3
Now, let’s get to it!!
B - Before - before you decided to make them your F/O, what did you first think of them/their source?
One of my school friends recommended Danganronpa to me — so I eventually started to watch Kubz Scouts (Jay!!) play-through. I really liked the premise and thought the story and characters were really interesting, I was hooked!! I did almost skip DGR THH just because “the guy from the sans undertale memes isn’t here” (Komaeda).
The first time I did see Byakuya I do remember thinking “oh look, stereotypical asshole — he’ll probably be my favourite” jokingly. Celeste and Kirigiri were actually my favourites for a time because a cosplayer I used to do a really good cosplay of them all the time.
The first screenshot of the game I had taken was of Byakuya though; it was the moment where I just kinda knew he would be my favourite.
Because I was screaming that at the screen the whole time and FINALLY someone said it — so I already gained a liking to him. And he’s handsome too!! Bonus!! This is my first insta story of him though:
Toko was my least favourite from the start because she stuttered out insults — and I just thought she was a coward. I liked her in UDG though, she was really funny.
Y - You! what do they like about you?
I always struggle with this question, so here’s what I said in another post:
“I remember a friend once told me he would think I’m clever and skilled,,,, maybe that. Ahh <<333 Perhaps physically it’s her eyes and her hair,,, ... overall, I think it’s the way she loves him outside of the fact he is the heir apparent/ outside of his family identity and has always known and understands him as simply himself; she doesn’t see Togami, she sees Byakuya. Yeah? Maybe his favourite thing about her is the way she makes him feel; the way she’s given him a concept of happiness and fulfilment.”
<333 I love him very much
A - Art - do they draw or paint? what about any other kind of art? what’s their favorite style/subject/another artist who inspires them?
No — I mean, he can do simple scientific diagrams but that’s about it. Byakuya may be innovative (business wise) but don’t confuse that for genuine creativity; he is very left-brained. I do feel as if he appreciates and values art though. Especially Renaissance, I feel as if that would be his favourite style of artwork.
S/I is not his favourite artist — ahahaha. He does appreciate her prowess, however. Byakuya often will watch her paint for 15 minutes or so barring he doesn’t have much else to do. He is a complete backseat driver about it though, being rather keen to point out discolourations and mistakes that need working. He at least attempts to be somewhat romantic about it by hugging her from behind while he gives her his criticism — occasionally leaving a chaste kiss on her neck or cheek ^//v//^
K - Kiss - give us any kiss headcanon you want. description, reason, location, who initiates it, etc.
Hnnnggg his kisses <333 I love his kisses <333 jsjsjsjsj sweetie <333
N e way... S/I has very sensitive lips, which often means she is easily (for lack of a better term) be overstimulated there — so she doesn’t really initiate kisses. Luckily, kissing is probably the form of affection Byakuya enjoys most (only in private though; he’s fine with pressing a kiss to her forehead and cheek around few close friends but even that is rather rare). He does like kisses a lot though — he’s very gentle with her (unlike his nature towards others).
His kisses are genuinely a lot slower and softer, he’s pretty well aware of how it effects S/I who is very prone to pulling away and hiding in his shoulder from the overload of happy emotions. She can’t really escape when Byakuya holds her face though (he isn’t fond of her breaking away when he wants to kiss more — of course he would lay off if she is forcibly removing him, albeit that never happens; the overload isn’t a negative thing for her). He’s a bit rougher when he’s angry though.
Haha I’m so cringe SKSKSKSK ^//v//^
U - Uplift - how do they help you when you’re stressed or sad and vice versa?
Byakuya had a lot to learn in having a relationship with her. He did learn how to be more acclimated to affection and more vulnerable (to an extent), but this never really translated to openly sharing his stress as I have gone into more detail in another post.
S/I always asks him if he’s okay though; it’s pretty obvious when he’s actually stressed. His grip on her will be tighter when he hugs, his heart rate is notably higher, and he likes to hold her hand more in an attempt to ground himself (he can squeeze her hand too tightly though).
Byakuya has been coaching S/I with her issues even before they were together (insert backstory carrd segway here). Mainly he just has to add his reassurance and cold, harsh logic to whatever problem she is facing, she finds that security and confidence very comforting. He’s not the biggest fan of hugs in the world — but giving her a hug and kiss does help calm her down. He is very protective of his darling <<333 he really just wants her to be safe and happy with him; he’s grown quite a big soft spot for her and her alone over the years they’ve known each other.
I’ve already done Y and A for the rest of the ask game ^//v//^ I might do his last name as a part 2 <333 I hope you all have a wonderful day 💙💙
#you can tell I am so in love with him recently and I’m so annoying about it <333 sorry !!#ship tag: book lovers ♡#Andreagami
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summary : upon the aftermath of the bloodshed at Alqualondë, Carnistir Morifinwë looks upon the ghosts of his kin...and himself
characters : caranthir / morifinwë
word count : 1,052
blood & gore warning
On that day in Alqualondë, we all lost something. Nelyo his friend, Kano and Curvo their wives, Ambarussa their mother. Tyelko, well... something. More was lost that day than any imagined.
The havens, with the aftermath of a bloodshed soaking white stones red, left no victor. With every step I try not to step on a corpse. Hundreds of bodies left untended - I don't wish to torment them further. The weight in my right hand surprises me as I feel my sword still clasped in it. Since the oath in Túna it has scarcely even been put down. Thh blade is painted red just as everything around it. I hang it unsheathed on my belt. We're all murderers here. No need to brag about it, but no need to hide it, either.
With nothing to grasp my fist clenches. It feels empty. I realize. It took too little time. To get used to holding a weapon that only years ago I never wielded. To get used to using that weapon against anyone.
It was father who drew the first blood. I was the second.
A few dozen I must have killed, but the face of the first Teleri that was slayed is still stamped into memory. A female elder, I now deduce, standing at the front. She breathed out a small gasp when looking down to her abdomen where a sword had penetrated it. I withdrew the sword before she looked back up again with those blue eyes. Her body collapses. The Teleri standing behind her takes a step backwards while another gives a shout and grabs my collar. I cut him down too. This time I don't wait to see his expression. Fighting ensues around me. Excitement pumps from my chest to veins. My sword slashes. And again.
Crunch, under my boots something snaps. Not a bone. Amid dead bodies I kneel and pick it up. A fractured glass model of a swan. A child's toy. An ominous feeling has me searching the carnage. My hands dig under hardened cold flesh. I lift up a Teleri whose neck is tattered like rags. When I pull on a hand, an arm tears off. Blood soaking my hands and sleeves I remove about ten bodies around where I stand. Nine are Teleri. One is Noldor.
I find no child. at least, not near here anyways. Must have been left by a kid who played at the havens a few days ago. Or, one of these men could have been a father. Not a thought any better.
On my dark robes I make little effort to rub the red fluid from my nails. My original skin color shows no more under dried and dripping blood.
Monster... I sense a few pairs of eyes fixed on me. I know the look. Vile murderer....leave the dead in peace.
They are Fingolfin's men. All wear shining weapons. Their blades are in clean sheathes and symbols of their houses shining on their shields, but the bloodstains on their clothes cannot be hidden.
You're all murderers, I want to scream out. Cowards... Believing you can act so innocent when you'll never be.. I give them a disdaining smile. Loathsome. At last I am aware. That blood can never truly be washed away. Not, not without shame.
I remember the sensation. the tip of a sword cracking open skin tissue. Cutting through muscles, bones, until it meets air again. My hand feels it even now. And it makes my heart beat like no time before.
Still careful with my steps I make way to the harbor. The swan ships - the very things the Noldor killed for, and the Teleri died for, are being manned and laden with necessities. Floating in the water around them are corpses also. Swollen with water, many are Noldor with strands of their dark hair in circles around their faces unrecognizable. There are no waves. The bodies float still. My kin.
In disgust I quickly turn back. To more seas of bodies that I walked through only seconds before.
Lifeless eyes now stare at me. Murderer. Murderer. "I don't care," I mutter. Lifeless eyes curl into sneers. Do you really? "Shut up." Will you kill us again if we don't? "You're just hallucinations. Begone!" Crush our limbs, Noldo. Peck our eyes with that pretty sword. Stab hearts and spill brains. You did it before - do it again!
This must be a dream. Me seeing things? Wake up, wake up! Corpses with limbs still left stand up, wobbling. From the waters purple hands sprout up. Red eyes and water-soaked skin. Panic overthrows my common sense and I draw my sword. It cuts in half an undead Teleri. his eyes lose focus as the two pieces of body fall to the ground. They don't move again. I do the same to the next elf, and then the next. Until around me bodies are piled as high as myself. Still over the hideous wall hands claw at it. Murderer. Their voices are crude shrill screeches. It can't be real, I know. But I can't let those corpses get me, either.
The landscapes vanish. The swan ships too. I stand alone against an endless sea of bodies. Murderer. Murderer......
"Lord Morifinwë," a skeleton clears his throat behind me. I let out a cry before realizing that he's just a squire. Well alive. My hand still holds the toy, and the corpses are gone with their terrible voices.
"My lord... is anything wrong?" he asks in a startled voice. I squeeze the glass swan until my own blood gets mixed with all the others. 'Did you kill too?' I want to ask. 'And you dare......dare to ask me if anything's wrong..?'
"No, of course not," I drop the swan and give an effort to smile. "Is my father looking for me?"
"Yes, my lord. High King Fëanáro wants you and your brothers on his ship soon."
I give an appreciating nod. "Very well. I shall be there shortly."
With a hasty bow the squire leaves and I walk again to the shores. Bones clash and crush with my every step.
The reddened sky is turning dark with clouds; premonitions of an approaching storm.
May the rains wash away the evils done here. For there are enough that remember it.
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Hey I don't know if you can do this but Can I request for a Genderbend Naegiri one shot? Like the two of them in the bathhouse together after the sixth class trial with Male! Kyoko confessing his feelings towards Fem! Makoto? Maybe Male! Kyoko taking off his gloves for Fem! Makoto? Again just asking if you can write this!
I'll gladly write this nonnie! It's too cute to refuse! I kept Makoto's name the same due to the fact that it's gender neutral and I found a name for Genderbend Kyoko on reddit! I hope you enjoy and spoiler warnings for anyone who has not completed THH yet!
-Mod Kiibo

It was finally over. The killing game was finally over. All 6 of the survivors had lived through 6 torturous trials, witnessing their friends be killed again and again. But it was finally over, all of it finishing with the Ultimate execution of Junko Enoshima, the one who brought the end of the world.
However even with that, there was now a new hope, a hope for a brighter future and a hope to end despair. With Makoto Naegi leading the way towards the future as the Ultimate Hope.
After calming down from the events that just took place Naegi looked over to her partner throughout all of this, Kyoya Kirigiri, sure he seemed distant but underneath those walls was a kind and caring man who would do anything for his friends. A trait that Naegi really looked up to during their times together.
Noticing her stare, Kirigiri looked over to the small girl who just defeated the Ultimate Despair, blushing ever so lightly when he realized the look of admiration he was receiving. He contemplated over the past few trials what Naegi really meant to him and after a while of sorting his feelings he realized that he saw the lucky girl as more than just a friend.
The two of them quickly were broken out of their staring when they heard the familiar sound of a girl clearing her throat. "I sure hope you both are not just planning on staring at each other for the rest of eternity" Togami's commented looking at the two with some disgust. Even when just going through what they all did, Togami never changed.
Nodding her head quickly Naegi laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head "Yeah, sorry about that Togami, I guess we should get out of here". Seemingly satisfied Togami huffed in response walking out of the room with Fukawa following behind. Hagakure and Asahina merely shook their heads at the whole ordeal before following the odd pair, not before Asahina gave Kirigiri a knowing look.
"We should probably follow them" Naegi commented and looked at Kirigiri once more only to receive a head nod from the male before walking out the door.
Once they got to a certain place in the halls Kirigiri finally spoke up "Naegi, there's something I need to tell you before we leave". Looking curiously at the taller man she nodded her head and gave him a smile but soon yelped in surprise when Kirigiri took her hand and dragged her into the bathhouse.
"Kirigiri! Why did you pull us in here-" cutting off her words Naegi looked in awe when she saw Kirigiri take off his gloves and show her the scars once more. "Nobody else but you five have seen my scars before" He started off only continuing once he saw Naegi’s face "However I trust you to see them and not judge me for them as it is a part of who I am, I know you accept me".
Blushing slightly at his words Naegi only smiled softly "I'm glad you trust me that much Kirigiri, but is there a reason to why you're telling me this?" Nodding his head Kirigiri stepped forward and took Naegi’s hands into his. "You catch on quickly Naegi, the reason why I'm telling you this is because over everything we have gone through I have harbored feelings for you".
Hearing Naegi’s soft gasp he continued "You make me feel a way that no one else has made me feel, you understand me and do not judge me for my familys past but instead support me. I want you to be in my life as more than a friend Naegi." He finished now seeing Makoto's red face.
Getting over the shock of the confession quickly Naegi beamed and squeezed Kirigiri’s hands "I feel the same way Kyoya! I would love for you to be more of a friend too!"
Smiling softly at the shorter girl Kirigiri lifted up one of his hands to cup her cheek "Do you mind if I kiss you?" With her blush only intensifying Naegi shook her head yes scared that she would stutter if she actually spoke. After getting Naegi’s approval Kirigiri leaned down and pressed his lips against hers softly, stroking her cheek with his thumb while doing so before pulling away.
Staring lovingly into each others eyes they knew they could take on the world, as long as they had each other by their side.
#mod kiibo#danganronpa#danganronpa trigger happy havoc#dr1#dr thh#danganronpa imagines#danganronpa oneshot#dr1 makoto#dr thh makoto#makoto naegi#genderbend naegi#dr1 kyoko#dr thh kyoko#kyoko kirigiri#genderbend kyoko#naegiri#makoto x kyoko#anon ask
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SHSL Hope’s Peak AU Labs
I spent hours on this please look at it
Because this is my AU and I do what I want, Hope’s Peak Academy has labs! However, due to number of students at Hope’s Peak, they have to share. Each student is assigned to a lab once they’re enrolled, and they spend most of their time there. Some labs (SHSL Zoology Lab) are open for everyone to see, and others (SHSL Fighters Lab) are not.
Some students (Himiko, Ryota) spend more time in other people’s labs than their own, or choose other labs as ‘theirs’ even though they’re technically assigned to a certain lab. The staff doesn’t really care as long as they’re developing their talents and stuff.
(I put the graduated class and teachers separately, at the bottom)
There are 12 main labs, as well as some assorted groups of people, and those who don’t have labs. These labs are:
- SHSL Technology Lab - SHSL Leadership Lab - SHSL Entertainers Lab - SHSL Fighters Lab - SHSL Zoology Lab - SHSL Athletic Lab - SHSL Costume Lab - SHSL Detective Lab - SHSL Magicks Lab - SHSL Luck Lab - SHSL Creativity Lab - SHSL Science Lab
Ive got lots of details on each lab, but its long, so ill put it under the cut. (names that are in brackets mean that the character is either not officially part of the lab, or doesn’t really spend time there despite being part of the lab)
Ultimate Technology Lab: Chihiro, Miu, Kiibo, Souda, Chiaki. (Ryota)
The room is very industrial, pipes in the ceiling, cement floor, grey brick walls, florescent lighting.
It's a huge mess.
Theres wires everywhere, all across the floor with basically no organization.
A big shelf of scrap parts, metal, oil, mainly stuff for Miu and Souda to work with.
One corner is semi closed off and has a dozen screens. Thats where Chiaki and Chihiro go. Chiaki has every game system in that corner.
The screen corner has a carpet, pillows and beanbags. Also a gaming chair that only Chiaki is allowed to sit in.
Kiibo likes to chat with Alter Ego.
They stuck a few cots in there because someone always ends up asleep while working on a program or invention or something, so they get tossed onto the bed.
Ryota isn’t part of this lab, but spends a surprising amount of time there with Chiaki and Chihiro, so they set up a table for him in the screen corner with a drawing tablet.
He cries when he finds out, and hangs around there much more often afterwords.
All together, everyone in the tech lab is really close to each other, they get along great, and sometimes work on big group projects.
Ultimate Leadership Lab: Kokichi, Sonia, Fuyuhiko, Byakuya. (Mondo, Taka, and Nekomaru)
The leaders lab is the most complicated
There are a total 7 students who were catagorized as leaders by hopes peak staff. They aren’t all comdapiable with each other, and they find that out pretty quick.
So they split up.
Mondo and Taka went together because they’re dating, and Nekomaru went to the Athletic Lab.
The lab isn’t really a lab, more of a meeting room. There’s a big table in the centre that everyone sits at.
One wall is a touch screen
One wall is a white board
One is a blackboard
And one is a corkboard
Sonia sits in front of the cork board, Kokichi sits in front of the white board, Fuyuhiko sits in front of the blackboard, and Byakuya gets the touch screen
They share the walls, but each of them mainly uses the one they sit in front of.
The room is used by the student council to plan meetings, but the main 4 who use the leaders lab pretty much *are* the student council.
Meetings with the entire student body are held in the entertainers lab since it has a stage and enough seating for everyone.
Cork board has pictures of everyone taken by Koizumi, schedule for the school, a few other things Sonia likes to hang there, like letters from her family. it’s lined with LED lights.
White board is 90% doodles by Kokichi, and whoever came in there. There’s also a few stray magnets.
Blackboard has notes on students, mainly to make sure ppl are turning in homework, or not getting bullied/being bullies.
The touchscreen is synced to Byakuya’s laptop. School files are kept on there.
Lighting is on a Slider so can be dim/low for the touch screen. Also Kokichi just likes the lighting darker.
Kokichi makes Sonia an honorary member of dice and Sonia is thrilled by this fact
Sonia is the most sociable so she handles most of the students problems, Byakuya schedules and talks to the staff, Fuyuhiko deals with the underground stuff and the general student body, Kokichi is comic relief and makes sure the actual council doesn’t keel over dead from overworking.
Sonia is always first to arrive, being 13 minutes early to every occasion.
They have meetings regularly.
Altogether, they get along well, not as well as the tech lab but pretty good! No one really expected them to get along as well at they do. Since they’re all focused on the common goal of leading the student body, they work together, and they balance each other out pretty nicely.
(Mondo and Taka)
They couldn’t convince the school to give them another lab
They hang out in Mondo’s dorm room.
They don’t do anything.
Taka however help Fuyuhiko with a lot of his policing, and spends a bunch of time in the halls helping people get to class and directing visitors and stuff.
Taka joins the student council for meetings sometimes, they have an extra chair for him.
He spends more time in the halls than planning so he doesn’t really need a lab.
Mondo and Taka are dating, so they get along great.
Ultimate Entertainers Lab: Sayaka, Ibuki, Kaede, Hiyoko, (Himiko)
Himiko was invited, but because she does real magic, she preferred to set up camp in the magick’s lab
The room is basically the music room from THH
There’s a decent amount of instruments and a grand piano on the stage.
How they move the piano back and forth no one knows.
They have a whiteboard with the number of days since Hiyoko has said something mean and gotten kicked out.
That number has never gone over 2
Microphones, a nice light system, very velvety curtains
Nice chairs to watch as well
Backstage is a mess of props and set.
School plays are put on in this lab, and meetings with the whole student body
they also have a projector and do movie nights during spring and winter break, or on weekends!
The entertainers get along pretty well, except Hiyoko. They like to show off their music to each other and play songs together. Sometime they watch Hiyoko dance if she’s being nice.
Ultimate Fighters Lab: Tenko, Peko, Maki, Sakura, Mukuro
Its a BIG room
Theres a whole rack of swords
A bunch of weights
A bunch of guns, locked in a glass case that only Maki and Mukuro have a key too
Knives cupboard, also behind lock and key
The entire room is under lock and key
Theres replica/training versions of each weapon
Luckily no one in the room would share their key, and stealing their key is a BAD idea
Theres a large mat area in the centre
Its got a circle in the middle
They have a first aid kit
Theres a lot of mats
You’d think things would go wrong, but everyone is really nice and loves each other and such
Sometimes they invite other people to work out and such
But its mainly just them
Maki and Mukuro spar together and bond over murder. Peko and Sakura spar together and bond over honour. Tenko vows to protect them all as her blood sisters, and all of them thank her for it despite not needing her help.
They all get along amazingly and are amazing and badass, I love them.
Ultimate Zoology Lab: Gonta, Gundham
Anyone can enter the room during visiting hours
When you enter, its a sitting room with lots of books and chairs and such.
All the animals and bugs are kept in a backroom with the food. Only Gundham and Gonta and whoever they allow are allowed back there.
Gundham doesn’t like to keep animals locked up because ‘wild beast spirits are weakened by the dangerous walls of this academy’
Lots of animal food, research on how to take care of animals, books and things
There are a few animals in there and some bugs, but theres more research then actual animals.
Bunnies, the deva’s stay there sometimes, but rarely cause Gundham gets sad without them, only when they get sick or something.
Theres a patch of grass in there for the animals that eat grass
Its a nice calming place
Lots of animals
Gundham has a therapy dog in there that students can go pet.
Lighting is on a cycle that follows the sun, since thats best for the animals
Gundam brings animals into the sitting room for people to pet (like the therapy dog)
Gonta and Gundham get along really good, they bond over people not understanding them sometimes, and their love of animals. It’s very sweet.
Ultimate Athletic Lab: Aoi, Leon, Hoshi, Akane, (Nekomaru)
Hopes Peak cycles out the equipment depending on the students there that year.
Aoi uses the swimming pool, so its just weights for her and other various training things.
Also a batting cage, mini tennis court, balance beam and rings.
Its a large room.
They also have mats like the fighters.
Altogether, they just do their own things, not really talking to each other.
Ultimate Costume Lab: Junko, Tsumugi, Imposter
Its a really big closet.
A third is replica clothing of other people, a third is costumes, and a third is high fashion
They have to mark things really carefully so Tsumugi doesn’t get mixed up with Imposters stuff
Hifumi hangs around to look at Tsumugi’s costumes. Junko kicks him out a lot.
Theres also a bunch of fabrics and matierials, and a big desk for sewing and such.
Floor length mirrors, one of those thats like 3 mirrors so you can see yourself from every angle.
They don’t really get along... Tsumugi admires Junko a bunch, and Junko doesn’t like anyone. Imposter uses it for storage, and doesn’t spend much time there.
Ultimate Detective Lab: Kyouko, Shuuichi
Literally just the lab from V3
But with the yearbooks for hopes peak
And a computer linked to the hope’s peak database.
Theres not a lot to add here.
But Kyouko and Shuuichi are very close, and help each other out and I must mention that.
Ultimate Magicks Lab: Hagakure, Himiko
Himiko left the entertainers lab and came here to do real magic.
No one is sure what happens in there
Theres props everywhere
And crystals, and various fourtune telling devices
They both have mini booths where they can perform magic and read the future, respectively.
dim lighting, likely string lights or something
They have a fog machine
They have broken it several times
Hagakure takes Himiko in as his little sister and its really sweet. They get along good.
Ultimate Luck Lab: Makoto, Komaeda, and Hajime
A glorified, bulletproof, fireproof, and bomb proof break room. Also a panic room.
Hajime isn’t a strictly a lucky student, but they had no where else to put em so they stuck him with the lucky students. He wanted to be there anyway.
They have a pool table.
None of them know how to play pool.
Well Hajime does, but he doesn’t want to.
They just kinda sit there a lot of the time.
Makoto walks in to see Komaeda and Hajime kissing on the couch and gets really flustered, but it just keeps happening and eventually he gets used to it.
Theres some school books and bean bags in there.
At one point they get a console from Chiaki and play some games.
Nagito’s luck breaks it.
Basically a classroom without any desks.
The three of them get along well! Nagito and Hajime are dating, so Makoto is a bit left out, but the they do some stuff together.
Ultimate Creativity Lab: Koizumi, Angie, Hifumi, Ryota, Touko
The most chaotic lab.
Koizumi uses it for storage and nothing else. There is a little side room she uses as a dark room, but beyond that she hates being in there.
Hifumi had some of his things in there but Koizumi made him take them out for ‘pubic decency’
Its just his drawing tablet now, with a strong password on it.
Ryota has his drawing tablet too
Sometimes they talk, but not for long because Hifumi makes Ryota nervous.
Angie uses the space the most, as she doesn’t fear death and doesn’t care what anyone else does so long as she can paint and things.
It loos basically like v3 but with what I described and mixed with the art room from 1.
Touko has a desk in the corner and she does not use it.
They really don't get along well. No one likes Hifumi, everyone dislikes Touko, Koizumi doesn’t wanna deal with anyone’s bull, Ryota is nervous all the times and these people make it worse so he goes to the tech labs since he’s friends with Chihiro.
Everyone really likes Angie though. Well not Touko, but Angie either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care.
Most of them work in their own rooms and are happy to use the room for storage and let Angie take the space.
Ultimate Sciences Lab: Kaito, Rantaro, Korekiyo
Its actually pretty organized.
Theres a globe, a large map, a travel book, a cork board for Rantaro.
A library full of books on anthropology
Star maps, space stuff
The ceiling is dark, but always has a projection of the night sky that reflects the current position of the stars from where they stand.
They have a bunch of nice comfy chairs
Kaito would spend more time in the gym or pool if he wanted to train, since this lab is more focused on research.
Low lighting, mainly candles.
There’s books for sciences that aren’t Kaito, Rantaro, or Korekiyo’s speciality, sometimes people use them for research.
The detectives come in for research sometimes.
The three of them get along pretty well actually, it’s very nice. They’re close to each other in a unique way, and talk to each other about their problems and things. Very nice.
People who don’t really have a lab:
Celeste: Hangs around the Rec Room. She smuggled in better things to gamble with.
Kirumi: Takes students requests and goes around the school to fulfill them.
Mikan: Works in the Nurse’s Office, taking care of students who get hurt.
Teruteru: Works in the Kitchen, making whatever food he wants and sometimes meals for students who come in asking for food.
Syo: Isn’t allowed a lab.
Graduated Classes:
Daisaku: was in the zoology lab with Gundham. they got along alright, though not as well as Gundham and Gonta.
Ruruka: was in the kitchen, with Teruteru. they did not get along.
Sonosuke: wasn’t really a lab kind of guy. assigned to the tech lab, but didn’t really mesh well with everyone else in there so just didn’t go in. he had a little place to do his smithing off campus.
Seiko: worked in the nurses office with Mikan. they were close, but quiet. Seiko kind of saw Mikan as a little sister.
Teachers and Staff:
None of the teachers have a lab, but they do supervise some.
Chisa teaches her class as normal
Munakata watches the student council
Sakakura watches the fighters and athletes
all of them are extremely proud of their students and would kill for them.
Elementary School Division:
The elementary school doesn’t have labs. However, I feel like this is a good time to mention that Hope’s Peak elementary does take volunteers, and Komaru spends most of her time volunteering at the elementary there.
And I think that covers everything!
I think I've missed a few people, and im not sure where to sort *anyone* from zero, seriously it is very confusing. If there’s anyone I missed you want me to put in lemme know. (also this took hours so please reblog)
and like, thank you to anyone who read through this monster of a post.
#danganronpa#hopes peak academy#new danganronpa v3#super danganronpa goodbye despair#danganronpa trigger happy havoc#byakuya togami#makoto naegi#aoi asahina#celeste ludenberg#chihiro fujisaki#kiyotaka ishimaru#mondo oowada#hifumi yamada#junko enoshima#mukuro ikusaba#kyouko kirigiri#leon kuwata#sayaka maizono#touko fukawa#genocider syo#yasuhiro hagakure#hajime hinata#shsl imposter#teruteru hanamura#koizumi mahiru#peko pekoyama#hiyoko saionji#ibuki mioda#mikan tsumiki#nekomaru nidai
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Drv3 Bnha crossover Idea!
*very long in my opinion*
Izuku grew up in the Komeada orphanage, along side Kokichi, and Maki. After awhile the trio meet the founder of the orphanage’ son, Nagito Komeada, who though most seem crazy for most kids, the trio look past that and find that he is very nice. Nagito starts coming out to play more often after meeting them. One day, The Komeada couple had to go over sea’s for a while leaving Nagito, who was to sick to go, to stay with his friends at the orphanage. Weeks later news arrived that Nagito’s parents died in a plane crash and were no survivors. Nagito kept trying to look on the bright side of things, like the fact that he still had his dog, Izuku, Kokichi, And Maki still with him. A month later the staff receive news that if they don’t find a new owner(s) the facility will be forced to shut down and all of the kids will be forced into foster homes. They had at least 6 months to find a new owner. During that time, Nagito, Izuku, and Kokichi’s seperation anxeity started to eat away at them. Maki was trying to convince the 9 year old (nagito) and the two 6 year old’s (Kokichi and Izuku) That they wouldn’t leave each other’s side no matter what. With that Idea, Kokichi Makes D.I.C.E, and everyone he was close with at the orphanage joined, Except Maki. Maki thought it was over dramatic so she didn’t join. A few weeks later Nagito was out in the front when His dog bursts through the somehow open door and bounds onto the street. Nagito see’s the oncoming truck and thinks he still has enough time to get his dog out of the street if he runs. Unfortunately, he was a slow runner, and a very quiet kid, the large speeding truck does not see the small, puppy and hit him, not even slowing down afterwards. Nagito, starts screaming and bawling on the side walk. Maki, Izuku, Kokichi and the current staff rush out at the sound of him screaming and see the no longer living dog in the street. They all go to comfort Nagito and some of them were crying as well. A week later a funeral is held for the dog, and the parents, even though they had no bodies for the parents.
Nagito, develops vitiligo, causing him to loose a lot of his pigment in his skin and hair. Its now the 5th month and the employees were starting to loose hope in the possibility that the orphanage would be able to continue so they started to look at families for the children. 6th month, and no one has bought the building. Some of the Kids started saying that one of the employees should try and buy the building, But Izuku knew that it wouldn’t work. So, Izuku started taking random things that reminded him of his friends at the orphanage, like dice for Kokichi, A four leaf clover charm for Nagito (who had really good luck) and a red scrunchie for Maki. He also started making/buying things for them as well. He got Nagito(who is 10 now) a pocket chain, Kokichi a checkered scarf and he also started calling kokichi Kichi, and made Maki a bunch of bracelets and the nickname Maki-roll. Soon everyone called her that in a time span of 6 hours. Maki would wear the braclets all the time. Maki also would be the one to comfort the smaller children(She is now 8 she was 7 when she met Nagito). Kokichi would always wear his scarf unless he was eating, he didn’t want to get it dirty. Nagito started wearing it as often as he could seeing as he had very little jeans to wear.
On the last day, They all made a scrap book of all their memories at the Komeada orphanage. All of the kids got to decorate someone else’s cover. Nagito decorated some kid named Gundahm’s who had a fondness for animals, so that was the theme that Nagito went with. Izuku decorated Kokichi’s, which was a bunch of purple, glitter, checkered mess, Kokichi loved it so much he started crying. Maki did one for Izuku, which was covered in red, green, white glitter and pictures of music stuff, rose stickers, and cat stickers on it. Kokichi decorated Nagito’s, It had a bunch of green glitter, cards stickers, four leaf clover stickers, and white sparkly border made out of ribbon. A girl named Mikan made Maki-rolls, It had red glitter, navy blue lining, and little pictures of flowers on it. It was kind of messy but not as messy as Mikan, she was covered in glitter, ribbons, and stickers. After they all finished their scrap-books, they all left to who ever adopted them.
Maki was Adopted by A tall man who worked for the government and thought she had potential. Izuku was adopted by a loud couple who were aspiring musicians. Kokichi was taken in by a strict looking lady who acted kinda mean to the kids including Kichi. Nagito was adopted by one of the staff members who was close to him. Kokichi’s parent was actually abusive (I’m so sorry! I love you Kichi!) and just needed someone to clean the house seeing as her husband just left her. Izuku’s parents were very nice but after a year he woke up in an ally way. He was later found by Inko who took him to her house and cleaned him up. She took him to the police department to find there were no records of anyone named Izuku. She adopted him, Gave him the name Izuku Midoriya offically and took him to the doctor to find out what his quirk was. Izuku, not knowing what a quirk was, Inko assumed he was cut off from outside news and was raised in a no quirk zone. After finding out what quirks were he was super excited to see if he had one. He didn’t He was ok with that but his new friend he made a week before the Appointment, Katsuki Bakugo, was not Okay with that. And there started the bullying(age 6). Everything basically goes as it does in cannon from there. Maki was being trained to be an assassin, so she must mask emotions, be strong, smart, and know how to fight. She was already smart and strong so she enjoyed the challenge. Nagito,(im sorry) was raised as a loved child when the lady was home after dinner and on the weekends, other than that he was left with a baby sitter most of the time. One day, while on they’re way to the doctors for his monthly check up, seeing as he was a very sick child, they got into a car crash and the worker died. Nagito ended up in a foster home after that sense nobody would adopt a sickly expenceve 12 year old.
After all of the danganronpa’s Nagito, Kokichi, and Maki were all reunited. 3 months After getting out of the hospital for the post-trauma they (meaning the whole Dr cast) wake up in an unfamiliar setting. (Just a side note but the dead from thh are alive, it was also a video game, it wasn’t real for them. Junko doesn’t exist btw) They were a couple streets down from a huge building so they decide to go to the building to ask where they are. It was the weekend so some of the ua students were heading out to go places. that also just so happens to include Midoriya. Midoriya, Seeing Kokichi first he goes wide eyed but then looks away because he didn’t know if it was really Kokichi. But before he could look away, Kokichi turns around because he felt Izuku staring goes wide eyed as well before shouting at Nagito to see if he sees Izuku as well. Nagito says yes, also wide eyed and all three of them start running at each other for a hug they all burst into happy tears and fall onto their knees. Maki being slightly behind everyone minus kokichi and nagito, hears them running away and turns to look at whats happening, sees Izuku, and says “Holy shit!” not, quietly either. Now the rest of the dr cast turns to see what all the commotion is about to see maki running at the emotional, hugging group of boys on the floor, Kaito, scared she was going to murder them, takes a step foward and was about to yell “MAKI-ROLL, WAIT!” before seeing that she also starts cry hugging, leaving the rest of the bnha and dr cast really confused and shocked.
Thats all I have!
#bnha drv3 crossover#kaito momota#kokichi ouma#nagito komaeda#maki haruwaka#maki-roll#bnha#somebody write this#this is long sorry#izuku midoriya#bakugo katsuki#bnha angst#drv3 angst#sdr2 angst#drthh#danganronpa#unfinished#do what you want with this#it really late#sorry lol
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The Halloween Festival Photo
Hey hey hey, long text post ahead! You’ve been warned!
“The Blackened” Bonus Content Below
I know I missed Halloween by uhhh two days (SORRY) but I finally recovered and cleaned up the part where Mondo receives the photo from Monokuma so that it now includes ALL of the THH cast instead of just a few! You’ll get to know what their Halloween costume of choice is (and some perhaps very implied Celesgiri because I can’t help myself). I know that @tgapa really wanted to see this, so here you go dude!!! Sorry it’s so late :’)
Also, I put some gifs in to separate my writing from word vomit. Hope that helps a little!
Mondo knew that he shouldn’t reasonably trust anything that Monokuma had touched, but pure curiosity was much too strong of a force to resist. He grabbed the paper- which upon closer inspection, was actually a photograph- and examined it. What he found made his eyes widen in pure shock.
Inside the photograph were his 15 classmates, all participating in what appeared to be some sort of school festival together. Probably a halloween festival, based on how they were dressed. Aoi was some sort of mermaid, Hifumi appeared to be some... pink cherub thing(???) that he vaguely recognized from the anime Yamada had liked, and Leon was fittingly a lion. There was even that Mukuro Ikusaba girl up in the top dressed as Princess Daisy chatting with a Princess Peach that kind of looked like Junko, who was unfortunately blocked from sight by Ikusaba’s prop parasol. Yasuhiro was busily annoying Byakuya with a paintbrush- Hiro had clearly dressed up as Bob Ross, going so far as to splash paint all over his costume for an authentic effect. Togami was trying to stay as far away from his messy-looking classmate as possible, likely trying to not get anything on his Beetlejuice costume. The suit fit Byakuya perfectly- he must have had it custom-tailored for the occasion.
Something else caught his eye, too- Chihiro. They were happily waving at whoever was behind the camera, proudly showing off their bright green superhero costume. Next to them was another unfortunate murder victim, Sayaka Maizono. The Ultimate Pop Idol must have a good sense of humor, because she had chosen to dress up as Hatsune Miku, going so far as to dye her hair a shocking teal for the occasion. Makoto had also gone the technicolor route; He was dressed like he had stepped out of an 80’s teen anti-drug poster, complete with neon pants and wacky sunglasses.
In typical Touko fashion, she looked like she didn’t even want to be there. Fukawa had put the bare minimum for her “costume” (if it could even be considered that), simply wearing a zebra onesie with ears and a tail. Hey, at least she wouldn’t be cold, unlike Sakura. The taller girl had chosen to wear a revealing cheerleader costume that showed off many of her well-deserved muscles. Mondo noticed (admittedly with a little bit of a chuckle) that Aoi’s eyes in the photo were FIRMLY glued to Sakura’s abs.
He scanned through the photo as fast as he could, trying to find any evidence of himself in there. There’s no way that everyone had lied to him. They couldn’t have all known each other before this, could they? This had to be a lie!
Just when he was starting to panic that he had been played for a fool the entire time, he found the only thing that could have taken some of his building suspicion away; Kiyotaka Ishimaru. He was in the bottom left corner of the photo giving Celestia a piggyback ride, much to the apparent disdain (and was that jealousy?) of a Ghostbuster-suited Kyouko. Taka and Celeste had apparently gone with some sort of couples themed costume together. They were both wearing similar-looking gothic vampire outfits, complete with matching pointed fangs that they were showing off to the camera with wide smiles. The costumes definitely suited the two of them with their matching porcelain skin, ruby eyes, and jet-black hair. (Now that Mondo really thought about it, this was also the first time that he’d ever seen Taka wearing anything other than his school uniform, too.) So the whole class had celebrated Halloween together? When? And since when were Kiyotaka and Celestia even FRIENDS? He could only ever remember her making snide comments at him. They probably hadn’t even really had a full conversation with each other.
If you stuck around, thanks for reading! If you guys think I should post more little cut scenes and bonus works from The Blackened here, PLEASE let me know! I always feel so bad scrapping work when I worry that someone might enjoy it lmao
(For anyone who’s curious, the person taking the photo is actually Mondo himself! He and Chihiro were wearing matching superhero costumes. Mondo’s was red to contrast with the green.)
#the blackened#con rambles#happy halloween#mondo and chihiro best friends confirmed#this took longer than I though tbh#also con updates I guess#con updates
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The anime for THH included the most important stuff, but not much about the characters themselves. If you watch the anime and don't play the games, you won't really grasp who the characters are. That's what the Free Time Events are for
Yeah, and the other problem is: who gets to judge what "the most important stuff" is? To me, the most important stuff is the characters' interactions with each other, which is something the anime took away. Not just in their free time events, but in every little breakfast meeting and plot-point discussion. I don't care about the lore behind the games and Junko's stupid bullshit, because that stuff sucks. And 'who got murdered and who did it' is only interesting in the context of those characters if you know them already. I have to care about them dying first. Seeing them interact together in their down time was most important for me, but some big-wig executive decided that we didn't need that, and just stripped it to cut costs on the anime. That's the problem I have with stuff like that. People look for what makes the most money and then strip away or change the original essence of the game. Everything in the game was important. And 'the most important stuff' according to the anime was not the most important stuff according to me. Who gets the right to decide that? Everything in the game is important.
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